Hi there, have just moved yards and need to mark my rugs, does anyone use cow ear tags? looks like they could be a good idea, or does anyone have any other clever ideas I could use.
A riding school I used to do the repairs for had lots of their rugs nicked off the horses in the field, poor horses left out in the snow with no rugs. We knew who'd done it but no evidence so, in desperation they painted in white gloss paint the name of the stables and the postcode on the new rugs, never got another one nicked even if it did look unsightly!
I've painted my yard post code on previously too, to prevent theft. I've also painted my home postcode on too! (No horses in that postcode lol)
When I had a number in rugs, I used a combi of luggage labels, marker pen and dog tags.
Have also used coloured gaffa tape (taped it round a front strap and also a belly strap), so they were easily identified on the yard.
The stables also used to get me to repair the rugs (on site) with colours that didn't match the rug's colour on purpose to make them more un saleable if stolen to sell on, some looked like patchwork quilts when I had finished with them but as they said, the uglier I can make them, the better!
I just use a marker pen, and I also find it useful to mark which horse wears the rug and the weight of the rug. If I have to call someone to change it I find it much easier to say 'can you put a 200g on horse x' rather than explaining what the rug looks like, and if you have more than 1 horse then, even if the rugs are the same size, it is easier for people to use the one with the straps already adjusted for that horse.
I mark all of my million rugs with the size and weight with a fluorescent waterproof permanent paint pen. I guess you could put the postcode in there too. I got the link from here if I remember correctly - thanks HHO!