Sad end to a good morning :(


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5 April 2010
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Says here that the HSA actually stopped others going onto the road .
and this was an Illegal hunt so shouldn't Be running anyway.

Hound killed on busy road during illegal fox hunt PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 25 October 2011 19:17

Hunt Saboteurs Association Press Release 25th October 2011

A hound from the Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt was killed by a lorry, on the A38, South of Tewkesbury, today during an illegal fox hunt. Members of the Hunt Saboteurs Association who were present said the hunts pack of hounds were illegally chasing a fox when one of them ran straight into the road and was killed outright by a lorry that had no opportunity to stop. It was only the presence of the hunt saboteurs that prevented further fatalities as they were able to stop more hounds running into the road.

Lee Moon from the Hunt saboteurs Association said: “If, as the Hunts like to claim, they were trail hunting then what were they doing near such a busy road. The hunting community don't care about the lives of either the hunted animals or the ones they employ to illegally chase them. The Cotswold Vale Farmers should be thanking the hunt saboteurs for preventing more of their hounds from being killed.”
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Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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Says here that the HSA actually stopped others going onto the road .
and this was an Illegal hunt so shouldn't Be running anyway.

Hound killed on busy road during illegal fox hunt PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 25 October 2011 19:17

Hunt Saboteurs Association Press Release 25th October 2011

A hound from the Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt was killed by a lorry, on the A38, South of Tewkesbury, today during an illegal fox hunt. Members of the Hunt Saboteurs Association who were present said the hunts pack of hounds were illegally chasing a fox when one of them ran straight into the road and was killed outright by a lorry that had no opportunity to stop. It was only the presence of the hunt saboteurs that prevented further fatalities as they were able to stop more hounds running into the road.

Lee Moon from the Hunt saboteurs Association said: “If, as the Hunts like to claim, they were trail hunting then what were they doing near such a busy road. The hunting community don't care about the lives of either the hunted animals or the ones they employ to illegally chase them. The Cotswold Vale Farmers should be thanking the hunt saboteurs for preventing more of their hounds from being killed.”

And you believe that, do you? They need to get some proof before they go round slandering people.

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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when one of them ran straight into the road and was killed outright by a lorry that had no opportunity to stop.

Now I wonder why that was. Did the fox cross the road before the hound? and if he did, then presumably the rest of the pack were hard on his heels. Or was it, as was reported, the fact that the hound was called across the road?

It's also interesting to read that it was a sab who was arrested. I wonder why. :rolleyes: It wouldn't do for me to sit on the bench. Vermin, nothing more or less.



Well-Known Member
19 March 2009
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This from the Hunt Sab Site...
So their logic runs that if it is a trail it cant be anywhere in the vicinity of a road???
Reviewing the Hunt Sab sites is really quite enlightening
Not only do these mindless cretins advocate using horn calls to distract hounds they all seem to presume that hunts are always illegal and always in the act of hunting a fox even when it is clearly not

I agree with nearly all of what you say here.

Except perhaps the bit where you refer to them advocating feeding hounds "bourbon and digestive biscuits"

So not only are Hunt sabs misdirecting hounds...they also advocate making them intoxicated (with the added risk of causing severe alcohol poisoning) and causing disorientaion with the risk of death and or injury of hounds and or others

There is, perhaps, a slightly more innocent alternative interpretation for that suggestion...


Well-Known Member
2 March 2011
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Says here that the HSA actually stopped others going onto the road .
and this was an Illegal hunt so shouldn't Be running anyway.

Hound killed on busy road during illegal fox hunt PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 25 October 2011 19:17

Hunt Saboteurs Association Press Release 25th October 2011

A hound from the Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt was killed by a lorry, on the A38, South of Tewkesbury, today during an illegal fox hunt. Members of the Hunt Saboteurs Association who were present said the hunts pack of hounds were illegally chasing a fox when one of them ran straight into the road and was killed outright by a lorry that had no opportunity to stop. It was only the presence of the hunt saboteurs that prevented further fatalities as they were able to stop more hounds running into the road.

Lee Moon from the Hunt saboteurs Association said: “If, as the Hunts like to claim, they were trail hunting then what were they doing near such a busy road. The hunting community don't care about the lives of either the hunted animals or the ones they employ to illegally chase them. The Cotswold Vale Farmers should be thanking the hunt saboteurs for preventing more of their hounds from being killed.”

Ah, so that's it then, case proven because this was on the web from a completely impartial source..........duh!!!

There are two sides (some might say three) to every story, listen to BOTH, strip out all the posturing, bravado and emotion then make up your own mind (which may be the third side), or do you believe what you read in the papers too?!

Finally, following a trail by a road must be safer than 'illegal hunting' as the direction of a trail can be managed, a fox, errm a bit less so. The huntsmen are'nt going to put their hounds at risk, crikey, have you never seen their reaction if a horse kicks at one, really, don't believe everything that is chucked out by LACS/HSA about all huntspeople not caring for their animals, I've got the vets bills to prove I do!!


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15 January 2008
Nth Somerset
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Wasn't it lucky that Hunt Sabs, purely by chance and serendipity, happened to be standing at the exact spot where the hound ran onto the A38, and were thereby able to save the rest of the pack from harm.


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25 June 2001
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Wasn't it lucky that Hunt Sabs, purely by chance and serendipity, happened to be standing at the exact spot where the hound ran onto the A38, and were thereby able to save the rest of the pack from harm.

Well spotted, NeilM. Sadly it's not the first time this has happened - and it won't be the last. But the sabs are always there when it does. Co-incidence?? I think not!


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30 November 2005
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Not in the slightest. I used to scud up and down all those stone walls with the beagles many moons ago.

Also clearly, the ladies who grace and graced the college are just as pretty and even more attractive when on a horse!

Ah, not sure how true that is but thank you. Beagles are doing well at the mo, think the new huntsman was in hounds recently? Unfortunately we tragically lost a beloved whip to RAC beagles in Jan of this year, he was a star and I don't think everyone appriviated how much he did, we may get into the press for wrong reasons but we do have real heros. X


'It's only a laugh, no harm done'
15 January 2008
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Funny how these ardent animal lovers don't realise that chocolate (via bourbon biscuits) is poisonous to dogs. Get them run over, poison them slowly, ah, they do really care, don't they....


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1 December 2003
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Name and shame -vs- anonymity....

Why not have a 'field' licence for mounted and unmounted followers - this should include sabs as they follow hunts on private land. Photo ID cards are easy to do.

Will work both ways.


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2 March 2011
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Funny how these ardent animal lovers don't realise that chocolate (via bourbon biscuits) is poisonous to dogs. Get them run over, poison them slowly, ah, they do really care, don't they....

Excellent point, I, on-the-other-hand, am quite partial to the odd (packet of) Bourbon, so any sabs who now have a redundant stock......


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6 April 2011
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Firstly that is terrible ..I am horrified that people who claim to be animal lovers would do such a thing.I understood - but I may be wrong - though that the hounds where kept under quite strict control?So they wouldnt neccessarilly run off into a road and try to stay together unless there was a horn..
Also , how would a few people ,if unprepared as they claim, be able to stop a whole hound pack running across a road? Hmm.
Secondly ( I don't really know anything about this SAB business) but how is this LEGAL? Any of it?

eta- this

picking out this from it -- First is the inhuman malice of some activists towards *hunting people. When hunt supporter Trevor Morse *confronted the helicopter that had been harassing a hunt on its runway and was killed by its blades as the pilot moved towards him, the activists’ own video caught a voice callously saying: “Oh dear, the **** didn’t move out of the way.”
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19 March 2009
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Funny how these ardent animal lovers don't realise that chocolate (via bourbon biscuits) is poisonous to dogs. Get them run over, poison them slowly, ah, they do really care, don't they....

Now that is a good point. Hadn't thought of that...

Addicted to Hunting

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30 December 2009
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O right, so because they are vegan its fine for them to kick hounds, and abuse us then is it?? I actually used to be vegertarian beacuse I disagreed with how a lot of the animals are transported, now I'm just picky about the meat that I eat and were it has come from, I really appriciate it, and I also love seeing the animals in the fields, if everyone was vegan there would be no animals, in fact no need for countryside.


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29 November 2010
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Wow, BeckyJane. What an intelligent and well considered response.

Sorry, you've really tickled my funny bone. Chortling with laughter, here.

Firstly, veganism isn't just a diet; it's a way of life. Not only do vegans abstain from eating meat, eggs and dairy, they also forgo leather, feathers, fur, pearls, silk, honey, or anything else produced by or derived from non-human animals. This lifestyle is borne of the love and respect of animals. So do you honestly think a sab would harm a hound? I've been through this before with you people. If a sab deliberately harmed a hound, or a horse, or any other animal, he or she would be in very hot water indeed with his or her fellow sabs. Sabs sab because they cannot stomach cruelty to animals. That is the bottom line.

Now, I mentioned veganism simply to emphasise the point that the primary, and only, motivation of the hunt saboteur is the desire to protect animals from cruelty, but if you want a debate on veganism and its consequences, fine.

Your opening salvo was "if everyone was vegan there would be no animals, in fact no need for countryside". More poppycock on stilts. (The prospect of everyone becoming vegan is nil, so clearly, this discussion is purely academic.)

Firstly, 'there would be no animals' is a bit of a sweeping statement. I shall assume that you mean there will be no farm animals. There are plenty of species on whom we do not depend agriculturally. Farm animals' numbers would decline until they reached manageable levels, then they would possibly become a protected species, or managed as wild species, and kept by conservationists, perhaps.

No need for a countryside, you say? Where do you suppose we would grow the crops we would need to feed ourselves? In window boxes? If we didn't need the countryside for growing crops, what do you suppose would happen to it? It would still be there, you know.


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29 November 2010
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Funny how these ardent animal lovers don't realise that chocolate (via bourbon biscuits) is poisonous to dogs. Get them run over, poison them slowly, ah, they do really care, don't they....

EVERYTHING is toxic in the right quantities, even water. A dog would need to eat a lot of chocolate to be in danger. Personally, I wouldn't give a dog a bourbon biscuit, and I can be quite sure that if a sab did do such a thing, he or she did it unknowingly and with the sole intention of gaining the animal's trust, rather than poisoning the animal.

And the only people responsible for the death of a hound on the road recently are the hunters. The sabs out that day weren't even carrying a hunting horn (the purported method used the 'lure' the pack onto the road). Hunts are well renowned for being reckless in their hellbent determination to kill something.


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3 March 2009
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Raynard, I am intrigued by your statistic that 99% of hunt sabs are vegans. Can you direct me to the published study which gives this figure?

I am presuming that the statement "hunts are well renowned for being reckless in their hellbent determination to kill something" refers to the trail layer they had legally been following all morning?

I have direct personal knowledge of several incidents where the end was considered to justify the means and animal welfare was jeopardised at the hands of hunt sabateurs.


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21 February 2011
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...and I can be quite sure that if a sab did do such a thing, he or she did it unknowingly and with the sole intention of gaining the animal's trust, rather than poisoning the animal.

- (from Hunt Sab Website)...Cornwall Hunt Sabs feed hounds on bourbon and digestive biscuits, which they love - and are of course vegan. Hounds are normaly not fed a day before a hunt, so they will stay with sabs longer if they think they have food, as understandably they are hungry.

.."did it unknowingly" and Vegan me *rse!

...And the only people responsible for the death of a hound on the road recently are the hunters. The sabs out that day weren't even carrying a hunting horn (the purported method used the 'lure' the pack onto the road). ....

And about the tactics of blowing hunting horns to send hounds off in the wrong direction as advocated by ALf and your other little Anti friends regularly putting hounds in danger on roads and railway tracks?? Funny how Sabs advocate using hunting Horns as part of the tactics to disrupt legal hunting and then claim "oh no we didn't have a hunting horn" when hounds get killed...

Hmmm I smell something it a fox? No its bull!
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3 March 2009
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As a matter of (minor) interest, I have been rootling around in my cupboard and digestive biscuits are not vegan as they contain skimmed milk. They are vegetarian but are not vegan.

Yet again, another example of sabs getting their facts wrong.

Addicted to Hunting

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30 December 2009
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Ok, well ill stick to my veiw and you stick to yours, to be fair we are all intitled to our own opnion. If 99% of sabs are vegan than I must of seen the 1% that aren't then as when they were kicking the hounds none off the others stopped them,


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20 February 2009
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Raynard, please check your facts before posting!

Chocolate IS, in fact, quite toxic to dogs. Admittedly, there isn't a lot of chocolate in bourbon biscuits, so you'd have to feed serious quantities, but chocolate toxicity is commonly encountered by vets. (Especially around Christmas and Easter time, quelle surprise!)

Dark chocolate is worse than milk, as it contains a greater concentration of the toxic component theobromine. Consuming a small bar of bournville will likely prove fatal for a terrier, and will certainly result in a substantial vet's bill.


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15 March 2010
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Can I just point out that a vegan diet is not healthy for dogs as they are carnivores. Neither can be the sugar in biscuits, if they really cared about the hounds they would go buy proper dog food.
Are hounds really not fed before the hunt? I assume this is because they will be undergoing quite heavy exercise, which on a full stomach is not very comfortable.

spacefaer- lol, i don't think bourbons are vegan either, which means if 99% of sabs think they are vegan, most are in fact not :D
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24 April 2009
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As Ray seems to represent sabs here, and as I'm pretty new to this section of HHO, can I ask you Ray; what are sabs doing about badger baiting, and dog fighting?

Yeah, and the certain group of people who still go hare coursing on a regular basis, drive their horses hard on the road, etc, etc???


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15 January 2008
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I am assuming that as sabs sabotage hunts 'because they are cruel', and monitor them in order to prove any illegal activity; then they must be taking similar actions against other pastimes like badger baiting and dog fighting which are illegal and must be considered cruel.

I was just interested to know what actions they are taking.