Sad week-RIP Descent


Well-Known Member
27 May 2013
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Last Sunday my beautifull mare Descent gave birth to a stunning colt but suffered from a mild bout of colic shortly after, unfortunatly just two hours later she once again had a bout of colic, but much worse the second time and had to be put to sleep.
I held her head as she died and have been bottle feeding her beautifull colt (who i have named Legacy of the Descent or legacy for short) with the help of our wonderful grooms Frieda, Emely and Helmar for the past week. we are trying to find a foster mum for him but havnt had much luck so will continue to bottle feed him. he is a gorgeous bright chestnut but we believe he will be grey due to his markings.


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12 October 2011
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Oh no, how devastating, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :frown3: I lost my horse to colic and it's heartbreaking. Sending massive hugs your way, please do keep us updated on Legacy's progress - I'm sure he will be a star. Rest in peace Descent x


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16 September 2008
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Huge condolences -what sadness when you should be so happy with a new foal. I hope you manage to find a foster mum soon, it will benefit the foal so much. have you contacted the Nat Foaling Bank, or put out a message on FB?


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19 April 2009
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So very sorry to read this, Good Night and God Bless Descent. My heart goes out to you at this very hard time, have you tried as Longdog says the foal bank or FB, would be more than willing to put something on if you would like me to ask around. Please keep us updated on how the poor little foal Legacy gets on x


Well-Known Member
27 May 2013
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thank you everyone for your kind messages. we have been trying to get him to suckle from one of our mares who has got a two month old foal at foot, do you think it would be too much getting her to suckle two foals? xx


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31 December 2012
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Didn't want to just read and run. Just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss :-(

I agree with what has been said about FB and the foaling bank. Good luck.

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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If the mare will take him as well as her own foal, that would be good. You can always feed extra milk if needed.

You could always ask this in the breeding section of the forum as some experienced breeders are on there who will be able to give you really good advice. :)


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11 January 2010
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Is this your mare who'd previously done a tendon? Gosh, I didn't even realise she was in foal! Wasn't she eventing at 2* level just a few months ago?

RIP Descent. Hope foaly comes through ok.


23 August 2013
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Is this your mare who'd previously done a tendon? Gosh, I didn't even realise she was in foal! Wasn't she eventing at 2* level just a few months ago?

RIP Descent. Hope foaly comes through ok.

This comment lead to me look back at the posters last posts

i can't figure out how to get my pictures from my phone to the forum :confused: because my phone is pay as you go and internet costs a fortune :eek:

my competition was great!!!!! (it was showjumping) Dyn was 1st at her first show!!! (sooo pleased) and descent had one pole down in the jump off but got such a good timer that she was 3rd!! (it was a fairly small class compared to usual so that might have helped!)

I really do hate to be cynical, but was the mare really competing at 8 months of pregnancy?

Sorry for your loss


Well-Known Member
27 May 2013
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i havnt ridden her for three months and she did a tendon in may, she did event at 2* when in foal but only until she was 6 months pregnant at which point it probably wouldnt have made any differance (we didnt even know she was pregnant until eight months as she jumped in with the stallion anyway!)


Well-Known Member
27 May 2013
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sorry got mixed up, meant to put that she didnt at two star level (and never has)and that she did compete when pregnant, but thats only because we didnt know (at first we thought the summer grass was the cause of her putting on weight)


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Very sorry for your loss. Rest in peace lass.

As to riding when horse is pregnant - a friend's horse was competing (jumping) serious heights one day, the next she popped out a foal. No-one knew she was in foal! Mare and foal are doing well.


Well-Known Member
9 July 2010
Yet again I cannot bring myself to believe even one iota of a word you type.

No doubt if anyone asks for pictures, there will be none.

Sorry, If I'd just had a foal there would be pictures galore!

Edit- I sound harsh, but you've been called a few times on your claims...


Well-Known Member
11 January 2010
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Yet again I cannot bring myself to believe even one iota of a word you type.

No doubt if anyone asks for pictures, there will be none.

Sorry, If I'd just had a foal there would be pictures galore!

Edit- I sound harsh, but you've been called a few times on your claims...

i havnt ridden her for three months and she did a tendon in may, she did event at 2* when in foal but only until she was 6 months pregnant at which point it probably wouldnt have made any differance (we didnt even know she was pregnant until eight months as she jumped in with the stallion anyway!)

id DEFINITELY use ice vibe boots. they are expensive, (£161.50 for a complete starter pack) they are great for injured horses and definitely helped my old showjumper Descent in recovering from her tendon injury and before long she was eventing at two star level! everyone asks how she made such a brilliant recovery and i always say the ice vibe boots and lexvet supplement. it wasn't that long ago and i still use them before competing!:D

So in May, she did a tendon, but managed to recover from it to go eventing at two star level later that same month (date of the above post on 28th May), whilst being 8 months in foal? Gosh, what a mare!


Well-Known Member
27 May 2013
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If you read the post I put under it you would see that It was a typo and meant to say she didnt compete at two star level and never did. As for that post I did ages ago, I meant to say that I used it for descent and she was then competing in show jumping not long after and the horse that recovered at two star level is a completely different horse. I think it should be obvious that I missed out a piece of text as I wrote 'my show jumper descent' so why the hell would she be eventing at two star level!!! I can't remember what exactly, but there should be a piece of text between 'recovering from her tendon injury' and 'and before long she was eventing at two star level'.

I would appreciate it if people were a little more sensitive.


Well-Known Member
31 October 2012
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Sorry, for your loss if what you have posted is indeed true.

But if it isn't I personally find that a bit sick...

Again like tomspride said just post pictures.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2010
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If you read the post I put under it you would see that It was a typo and meant to say she didnt compete at two star level and never did. As for that post I did ages ago, I meant to say that I used it for descent and she was then competing in show jumping not long after and the horse that recovered at two star level is a completely different horse. I think it should be obvious that I missed out a piece of text as I wrote 'my show jumper descent' so why the hell would she be eventing at two star level!!! I can't remember what exactly, but there should be a piece of text between 'recovering from her tendon injury' and 'and before long she was eventing at two star level'.

I would appreciate it if people were a little more sensitive.

Ah ok - I make typos all the time! It's a bit of a long typo you made, and to make it 2 times on 2 different threads - gosh, you must have a very advanced auto correct program!

id DEFINITELY use ice vibe boots. they are expensive, (£161.50 for a complete starter pack) they are great for injured horses and definitely helped my old showjumper Descent in recovering from her tendon injury and before long she was eventing at two star level!

my mare Descent did a tendon and using lexvet feed supplement and the ice vibe boots , she is now competing at two star level!:eek: people are completely amazed at her recovery and i put it down to lexvet and ice vibe.

My apologies for being insensitive, I am a little raw at the moment as we lost a horse to colic at my yard last Thursday, and having seen the devastation his death caused to our little yard family, it saddens me that there is a possibility of people falsely soliciting sympathy by fabricating such an event.

By the way, your eloquence is wonderfully mature for a 13 year old. It's quite delightful to see, thank you :)

How is your foal doing now? I'd love to see a pic x


edit - sorry, three times your aurocorrect kicked in to make her an eventer, as of course it posted it on this thread too as well as the two old ones. Silly autocorrect!

i havnt ridden her for three months and she did a tendon in may, she did event at 2* when in foal but only until she was 6 months pregnant at which point it probably wouldnt have made any differance (we didnt even know she was pregnant until eight months as she jumped in with the stallion anyway!)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
27 May 2013
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typo doesnt always mean autocorrect, when i said 'typo' about the two star thing, i meant that i had simply forgot to stick a chunk of text in and was talking about two differant horses in the same sentence by accident.

most of the time when i say typo i could mean that i either i made a mistake in typing,didnt make it very clear or auto correct kicked in (i ussually go on the forum on my i pad or kindle fire which both have autocorrect)

id also just like to point out im fourteen now.

as for making typos on two differant threads twice, id just like to point out that the first time it was because i forgot to put in a peice of text and the second was because i didnt make myself clear enough and made ONE typing error.

as for pictures, i have a bit of a story to tell. some people may remember a while back that i put a post up about my mums dressage score on her horse Magyke, everyone asked for pictures so i asked for some and my mum said that as it was a relativley low key dressage competition and she has been to many before and will go to many in the future, she didnt bother getting anyone to take pictures. so i put this on the thread, i thought that i better put something up so i asked her if she had any pictures of Magyke or Himmel (the other horse she took). she was wondering why i wanted all these pictures so i told her that i was going to put them on a forum but she told me i shouldnt as 1)people may recognise the stables you are at (i dont think she realised it was a uk based forum) 2)people may recognise the horse 3)people may recognise the rider so she said i shouldnt put them on the internet where strangers can look at them
(facebook is the exception ;) ) so that is why i never put pictures of horses on the forum.

im sorry to hear about the horse at your yard, but surely someone who has lost a horse that is obviously close to them would understand what its like.