Sad week-RIP Descent


Well-Known Member
9 July 2010
typo doesnt always mean autocorrect, when i said 'typo' about the two star thing, i meant that i had simply forgot to stick a chunk of text in and was talking about two differant horses in the same sentence by accident.

most of the time when i say typo i could mean that i either i made a mistake in typing,didnt make it very clear or auto correct kicked in (i ussually go on the forum on my i pad or kindle fire which both have autocorrect)

id also just like to point out im fourteen now.

as for making typos on two differant threads twice, id just like to point out that the first time it was because i forgot to put in a peice of text and the second was because i didnt make myself clear enough and made ONE typing error.

as for pictures, i have a bit of a story to tell. some people may remember a while back that i put a post up about my mums dressage score on her horse Magyke, everyone asked for pictures so i asked for some and my mum said that as it was a relativley low key dressage competition and she has been to many before and will go to many in the future, she didnt bother getting anyone to take pictures. so i put this on the thread, i thought that i better put something up so i asked her if she had any pictures of Magyke or Himmel (the other horse she took). she was wondering why i wanted all these pictures so i told her that i was going to put them on a forum but she told me i shouldnt as 1)people may recognise the stables you are at (i dont think she realised it was a uk based forum) 2)people may recognise the horse 3)people may recognise the rider so she said i shouldnt put them on the internet where strangers can look at them
(facebook is the exception ;) ) so that is why i never put pictures of horses on the forum.

im sorry to hear about the horse at your yard, but surely someone who has lost a horse that is obviously close to them would understand what its like.

And what is wrong with people recognising you when you are obvious doing so well?????

I post pictures and half the time I am NOT doing well.


Well-Known Member
27 May 2013
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And what is wrong with people recognising you when you are obvious doing so well?????

I post pictures and half the time I am NOT doing well.

because people have obviously taken a dislike to me. all i really want to know is why people are targetting me. why is it ok for other people to post stuff when their horses have died or when they have a question or when they have had a good result at a competition, but not me?


Well-Known Member
15 November 2009
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typo doesnt always mean autocorrect, when i said 'typo' about the two star thing, i meant that i had simply forgot to stick a chunk of text in and was talking about two differant horses in the same sentence by accident.

most of the time when i say typo i could mean that i either i made a mistake in typing,didnt make it very clear or auto correct kicked in (i ussually go on the forum on my i pad or kindle fire which both have autocorrect)

id also just like to point out im fourteen now.

as for making typos on two differant threads twice, id just like to point out that the first time it was because i forgot to put in a peice of text and the second was because i didnt make myself clear enough and made ONE typing error.

as for pictures, i have a bit of a story to tell. some people may remember a while back that i put a post up about my mums dressage score on her horse Magyke, everyone asked for pictures so i asked for some and my mum said that as it was a relativley low key dressage competition and she has been to many before and will go to many in the future, she didnt bother getting anyone to take pictures. so i put this on the thread, i thought that i better put something up so i asked her if she had any pictures of Magyke or Himmel (the other horse she took). she was wondering why i wanted all these pictures so i told her that i was going to put them on a forum but she told me i shouldnt as 1)people may recognise the stables you are at (i dont think she realised it was a uk based forum) 2)people may recognise the horse 3)people may recognise the rider so she said i shouldnt put them on the internet where strangers can look at them
(facebook is the exception ;) ) so that is why i never put pictures of horses on the forum.

im sorry to hear about the horse at your yard, but surely someone who has lost a horse that is obviously close to them would understand what its like.

im sorry but this all sounds very unbelievable..................people know exactly who I am , and my sister, and the horses show names, and which shows we go to, and the area we live in. I somehow doubt a real life mother would real life care about you putting up old pics of real life horses on a forum because as long as you are telling the truth, no harm can be done.....................


Well-Known Member
8 July 2008
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im sorry but this all sounds very unbelievable..................people know exactly who I am , and my sister, and the horses show names, and which shows we go to, and the area we live in. I somehow doubt a real life mother would real life care about you putting up old pics of real life horses on a forum because as long as you are telling the truth, no harm can be done.....................

Ok, I am another one in the camp who thinks this is just one big fairy story... but I personally don't find it odd that a mother would not want photos that may show their premises etc on a public internet forum.

I don't much post photos here because there are a lot of very strange people out there and I believe the more information you share about yourself, the more vulnerable you become. Fine, if you are happy doing it, but not everybody would be.

If (and it's a big if :D ), this is a 14 yr old girl posting, then all the more reason for her to be circumspect.

(Of course, this argument might just be coming in very handy for the OP in this instance! :D)


Well-Known Member
27 May 2013
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im sorry but this all sounds very unbelievable..................people know exactly who I am , and my sister, and the horses show names, and which shows we go to, and the area we live in. I somehow doubt a real life mother would real life care about you putting up old pics of real life horses on a forum because as long as you are telling the truth, no harm can be done.....................

yes, but anyone can veiw a forum, not just members of it, meaning anyone on the internet can see who i am. surely it isnt anyone elses place to tell me that im wrong for having internet privacy.
I'd happily put pictures of anything else up, but not me or my horses.


Well-Known Member
31 October 2012
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Showjumpingprincess - you do know you have to be a member to look in the photo gallery? so you can i you want.

also a few people probably know who you are the horsey world is a quite close knit community! (if you have a horse...)

when do the school holidays finish!


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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Ok, I am another one in the camp who thinks this is just one big fairy story... but I personally don't find it odd that a mother would not want photos that may show their premises etc on a public internet forum.

I don't much post photos here because there are a lot of very strange people out there and I believe the more information you share about yourself, the more vulnerable you become. Fine, if you are happy doing it, but not everybody would be.

If (and it's a big if :D ), this is a 14 yr old girl posting, then all the more reason for her to be circumspect.

(Of course, this argument might just be coming in very handy for the OP in this instance! :D)

I'm not going to bother debating whether or not this is a genuine post, but I agree that not putting too detailed pictures/info about yourself, your animals, your intended movements or your property on a public forum is sensible advice. Remember the footballer recently who tweeted that he was off to a birthday party with his little boy? He was burgled shortly after he left! You NEVER know who is watching. So many people seem to be being targetted by thieves lately, even though they live in isolated places, well off the road. I suspect Google Earth has alot to answer for here. A thief can take a very good look around and see the lay of the land before paying a visit. I looked at the images of where I kept my girl and could identify every single horse in the fields, including being able to distinguish between the three greys. Scary.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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Absolutely I agree about being really careful about what you put online, I do believe the poster is a child and dont blame a mum for not wanting certain things posted. A horse on a grassy background or a foal in a stable though arent exactly going to tell someone a lot but I can see why parents would have a blanket ban on photos so that does make sense

However its the previous posts by this OP that have got people suspicious, for someone who lives at a well run competition yard with very horsey parents some of the stories dont make any sense

As kids most of us wanted horsey parents, a stable of beautiful horses, one for jumping, one for dressage etc, grooms, competition success and a cute foal to top it all off - indeed many of us imagined that with all our heart and I could have told you where the bandages were kept, where the tap was and the names and natures of all of the horses in my stable yard but alas the yard existed only in my head - in reality I had ponies and was luckier than most but in my head I had it all.... The problem with adults OP is that they are sceptical!

If you are genuine you are a very very lucky girl and I wish you all the luck and success in the world


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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I'm not going to bother debating whether or not this is a genuine post, but I agree that not putting too detailed pictures/info about yourself, your animals, your intended movements or your property on a public forum is sensible advice. Remember the footballer recently who tweeted that he was off to a birthday party with his little boy? He was burgled shortly after he left! You NEVER know who is watching. So many people seem to be being targetted by thieves lately, even though they live in isolated places, well off the road. I suspect Google Earth has alot to answer for here. A thief can take a very good look around and see the lay of the land before paying a visit. I looked at the images of where I kept my girl and could identify every single horse in the fields, including being able to distinguish between the three greys. Scary.

This is a couple of years ago now, so not sure if it is still the case, but I used to be pictured in two places at once on google earth :)

SJP I'm sorry for your loss, hopefully the other mare will take to the new foal and you can give it a relatively normal upbringing. I don't think a photo of a foal in a nondescript field would hurt though. Unless the foal is very distinctive it is unlikely that it will be recognisable from such a picture in a few months anyway. It would help your cause on this forum a lot I think.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2009
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i completely agree that telling people your exact whereabout and details of the actual yard ie wht security you have when people are/arent there is silly, but horses names, show resultss, pics of said horses etc is going to give people nothing to go on.

at 14yo i find it totally unbelievable the OP even asked her mum lol!


Well-Known Member
27 May 2013
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i completely agree that telling people your exact whereabout and details of the actual yard ie wht security you have when people are/arent there is silly, but horses names, show resultss, pics of said horses etc is going to give people nothing to go on.

at 14yo i find it totally unbelievable the OP even asked her mum lol!

i didnt ask my mum for permission , i asked my mum if she had any photos :)


Well-Known Member
12 August 2012
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you have written/possibly done some things that in some people's view would not have been said/done if you had the experience of a large competition yard and horsey parents who run the said competition yard........

if its all true then you are very lucky...if not...then as poster above said 'what harm are you doing?'


Well-Known Member
4 August 2013
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If you don't want to post pictures, why don't you add someone from here into Facebook and then they can see or clarify your pics? Add a well known member and then you known they aren't crazy stalkers!


Well-Known Member
30 October 2012
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I'm sorry but how does a picture of a Guinea Pig prove you have horses?

The OP is a 14 year old child, take what she says at face value or ignore her thread. Does it really matter to you if she has horses or a shed load of guinea pigs. This thread is tantamount to bullying a minor. How sad that you feel the need for her to prove really does not matter!


Well-Known Member
27 May 2013
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The OP is a 14 year old child, take what she says at face value or ignore her thread. Does it really matter to you if she has horses or a shed load of guinea pigs. This thread is tantamount to bullying a minor. How sad that you feel the need for her to prove really does not matter!


btw i do also have horses ;)