Saddle fit + wonky pony + hormonal pre teen daughter = loosing my marbles!


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5 May 2012
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Apologies in advance for length but will try not to drip feed! Looking for advise on saddles plus handling pre teen girls histrionics.

We have had a 13.1 pony on full loan for my 11 year old daughter for almost a year now to get out competing. Second pony type, done all pony club activities but focused on jumping with previous rider. Very sweet mare but has unrecorded breeding and questionable confirmation to match. Think big shoulders with one set further back than the other, wide across the withers, flat backed with a round barrel but also croup high!

She came with a Wow saddle and while daughter was still jumping smaller heights it wasn't a major issue. However as they have started doing bigger courses the saddle was constantly tipping the rider forward and causing falls at the odd stop which my daughter would normally sit on her old pony. 3 separate instructors have told us to find another saddle as it does my daughters position no favours.

Wow fitter came out 6 months ago to check saddle was sound, adjusted it slightly and confirmed it fitted the pony. She suggested a different seat to help my daughters position but have had no luck finding one second hand. We persevered but all came to a head at the start of the year when daughter lost all confidence and didn't want to ride because of the saddle. She says she feels so high off the ponies back she can't feel movement or use her seat as sitting deep has no effect (she is about 5 stone dripping wet)

Since then we have been using a Shires Aviemore Shetland pad which she loves but it's not going to be a long term solution so checked with the owner that they were happy for us to look for another saddle and got the go-ahead with the warning that they had tried and failed hence the Wow. Sure enough we haven't found anything so far that doesn't slip sideways, backwards, impede the shoulders or that pony is happy in.

I contacted a friend I know uses Wow saddles who came out today and helped a bit by adjusting the air, removing the foregirth and moving the stirrups on to the back bar. We also need a narrower headplate and a smaller sternum pad on the H girth. It created a much more balanced picture and could be the best solution if my daughter just learns to work with the saddle.

But like me she us stubborn and is flat out refusing to ride in the saddle ever again. No amount of explanation about best fit for pony is helping and she says she would rather ride bareback and quit competitions and pony club than use it. I'm honestly stuck on what to do. A traditional saddle doesn't suit pony but the Wow doesn't suit the rider and I cannot afford to be shelling out a fortune for a made to measure saddle for a pony we will likely only be loaning for another couple of years. I think I risk ruining daughters confidence if I make her ride in it.

I'm at a loss. The easy way out would be to give up on the pony and look for something else but she is fab and loved by us both so it would be a really wrench to part with her over a saddle.

Any suggestions grateful received!


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I would set out the options very clearly for daughter and leave it up to her to choose. If she chooses to return the pony make the arrangements but ask owner to be tolerant if when it comes to it daughter changes her mind. There is no option to just keep pony as a field ornament. If she stays, daughter has to ride her in the adjusted saddle.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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An AH saddle might work they are aimed for natives sbloom on here fits for them might be worth speaking to her.

I do find that the wow and similar saddles with air are a bit marmite most love or hate them, so I think your daughter may not be deliberately being awkward as such.

I am a bit fussy with saddles I know what I like and don't like to ride on something I don't.


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24 December 2021
Wet and windy Pennines
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If you can locate an older leather Barefoot treeless saddle, ie one made before the company was sold, it may help to put your daughter in a good balance whilst she works on the confidence issues. Treeless saddles do need good support pads, and pads that can be shimmed and altered are readily available - think of the saddle as a pony pad and the under padding provides the saddle profile. Your daughter might get away with jumping the pony in a treeless for now, but as she gets bigger she will need the support of a good fitting saddle. A size 1 Barefoot will fit your daughter.


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25 February 2016
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Hmmm I know when I was that age it was a "take it or leave it" situation with my parents.

I find I'm as secure in my wow (another challenging shaped pony) when it fits as any other brand so if it's genuinely balanced now then she should feel better.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2020
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I can understand her not wanting to ride in that saddle. Id be sending the pony back to the owner and looking for something more suitable,you can't change the pony's conformation.

Goldie's mum

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1 May 2022
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Hope you don't find this impertinent but is she going through a phase of generally having a problem with your authority at the moment? If so, is there an older child or someone else she looks up to who would tell her how riding in a variety of different saddles improves someone's riding? - maybe if it wasn't mum's idea?

If not, sorry but I'm looking at this from the point of view of someone who desperately longed for a pony for many years but had to wait to graduate & get a job before buying one. I'm afraid I'd be explaining to her that there are no more alternative ponies in the pipeline if she doesn't buckle down and make a go of this one.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2012
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Hope you don't find this impertinent but is she going through a phase of generally having a problem with your authority at the moment? If so, is there an older child or someone else she looks up to who would tell her how riding in a variety of different saddles improves someone's riding? - maybe if it wasn't mum's idea?

If not, sorry but I'm looking at this from the point of view of someone who desperately longed for a pony for many years but had to wait to graduate & get a job before buying one. I'm afraid I'd be explaining to her that there are no more alternative ponies in the pipeline if she doesn't buckle down and make a go of this one.
But if you wouldn’t ride a pony in a badly fitting saddle, you shouldn’t make a person ride in a badly fitting saddle either. Not all saddles fit all shapes of rider and it can be something as simple as pelvis / hip angles.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2012
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An AH saddle might work they are aimed for natives sbloom on here fits for them might be worth speaking to her.

I do find that the wow and similar saddles with air are a bit marmite most love or hate them, so I think your daughter may not be deliberately being awkward as such.

I am a bit fussy with saddles I know what I like and don't like to ride on something I don't.
I have looked at them and our saddle fitter suggested a new one. Problem is I'd have to buy it and owner has said they will reimburse from selling the Wow only if it was a perfect fit, so I could end up majorly out of pocket if it doesn't fit or if the Wow won't sell.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2012
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If you can locate an older leather Barefoot treeless saddle, ie one made before the company was sold, it may help to put your daughter in a good balance whilst she works on the confidence issues. Treeless saddles do need good support pads, and pads that can be shimmed and altered are readily available - think of the saddle as a pony pad and the under padding provides the saddle profile. Your daughter might get away with jumping the pony in a treeless for now, but as she gets bigger she will need the support of a good fitting saddle. A size 1 Barefoot will fit your daughter.
Thanks. Will take a look. Is there an easy way to tell which are the older ones?


Well-Known Member
5 May 2012
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Can you try a TCS ?! My boy is hard to fit, I thought they’d be pretty rubbish but after a fourth saddle fail I bit the bullet, we both love it.
I think that would be fine for home but not sure what the rules are on using them in competition. Would be pony club show jumping and eventing, unaffiliated hunter trials and BS club classes.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2020
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I sympathise with your daughter!! I had my tack stolen. Whilst waiting for my new saddle I bought a cheapie. I have never felt so unsafe in a saddle in all my life. My friend questioned me so I let her ride in it. She said the same!


Well-Known Member
19 July 2012
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Have you had other fitters out to try saddles? What have you tried?

Wintec Lite tend to fit a wide range of horses but I would want to try it first, hence having a fitter out.
Personnaly I would keep the Wow and return it with the pony and sell the saddle you bought for your daughter when pony is returned.


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1 June 2007
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I'm not sure about the solution for a saddle but I am another who hated riding in a WOW. I felt so perched on top it was horrible. So I can totally understand her refusing to ride in it. I didn't have a choice as it was my employers horse so I would find any excuse to ride any of the other horses which was a shame as it was a lovely horse. So being blunt I would send pony back and get another. It's hard to appreciate the feeling of an off saddle even if it fits the horse perfectly.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2012
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Have tried most the adjustable brands but it's not just the width, it's the tree that tends to be the problem i.e not flat enough.

Some saddles can be flocked to fit the horse. I had a mare with a high wither and the fitter adjusted the flocking to fit her back shape, she went very well in it.
Something like a Thorowgood pony could perhaps be adjusted.


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18 January 2015
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Can she not continue with the pad? Thorn pads are very popular with small tricky to fit natives, and people compete in them at hoys level. Although not sure they're legal for BD.


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5 September 2023
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I have sympathy for your daughter. I have a wonderful pony (now retired) who sounds similar shape wise to your pony. I struggled with saddles for years, tried everything incl treeless and either the saddle didn’t fit her or it didn’t suit me.
I did buy a WOW saddle and it was the best compromise for the pair of us. By which I mean it was perfect for her and OK for me. I certainly felt a bit perched on it. Eventually I found a fantastic fitter and he did things with the air that improved it greatly for me. So if someone has adjusted the air it might be worth trying to persuade your daughter to give it one more try. I know nothing about pre-teenage girls (except I was one once) so not sure what will work - threats, bribery?


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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I sympathise with her. I can’t get on with WOW saddles at all, they perch me too high and I feel like I’m tipping all the time. My pelvis doesn’t match the shape and I can’t feel what the legs are doing.

If it was a choice of wow saddle or no riding, I wouldn’t ride.
But they have a tonne of different seat styles so if one doesn't suit then your fitter should get bringing loads more out to trial.

I have different seats on different horses because they are different shapes. If I'm tipping it needs adjusting. If you feel it's perching you too high then it's not fitted correctly


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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I have looked at them and our saddle fitter suggested a new one. Problem is I'd have to buy it and owner has said they will reimburse from selling the Wow only if it was a perfect fit, so I could end up majorly out of pocket if it doesn't fit or if the Wow won't sell.
You wouldn't necessarily need a new one you could get one of their fitters and see what will work then look for a second hand one, and often they have ex demo or reduced saddles for sale I've seen them on the used saddle Facebook site.

Then if the pony goes back it's an easy brand to sell on and you probably wouldn't loose alot of money.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Daughter needs to at least try it after the adjustments, if I were the owner I really wouldn't be up for selling the wow knowing that it was the only thing that had really ever fitted the pony and I'm afraid I can't see a cheap wintec/TG managing as good a job fit wise as you just don't have the variety. Can you buy the seat that was recommended new rather than 2nd hand? Can you go back to fitter to see if you can access one she can at least try?