Saddle Fitting/Checks/teeth- Somerset/South West


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12 April 2007
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Who do you guys use for saddle fitting/checks/flocking in the Somerset area?-I'm south of Bath on the Somerset/Wilts/Dorset borders- need to book an appt soon, I have been recommended someone from the Gloucestershire area but he is only down every couple of months, however i was wondering if anyone uses anyone else and in particular if you have used/tried Pointings from Bath or Wadswick?

Also- would really appreciate recommendations on good yet reasonable horse dentists, have been recommended someone who is very good with all the qualifications however is very very pricey and would cost over £130 for two horses to be done!. I'm looking for someone who is properly qualified and is happy to hand rasp rather than power tool. Has any one used Wayne Abbotts?, as i've yet to contact him but heard he is good?

Thanks for reading and PM if you prefer!

be positive

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9 July 2011
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Ty Evans is great for saddle checks, he will do most work on site so you can try it once finished, he is never in a rush although you may have to wait for an appointment. 01458 223254

Curtis Thompson is a good dentist that will come this way.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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def recommend wayne, he is very good, has been doing ours for the last few years and is a hand tool user :). My lad came 7 years ago with the caveat that he needed doing every 6 months and had to be sedated. We have never had to sedate him ;) although he is amusing to watch as his default is to revert to trying to barge past you.. wayne is a little large to try that with when you are only 14.2! Really nice bloke though and good with them.

In fact he came on Saturday and for the first time ever frank didn't really have any hooks so he left them, only charged for mums horse and is coming back in 4 months to check him.


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12 August 2008
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Recommend Lucinda Stockley for teeth, she is fantastic.

I'm afraid I wouldn't touch Chris Puddy with somebody else's bargepole, have seen too many bad results of his saddle 'fitting'.


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24 January 2012
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Gill spinner for dentist. Properly qualified and does a great job. She has a website just pop her name into google. Charges forty each
for two or more horses I think.


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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Wayne Abbott is great, Charlie Pickman also great for teeth.

Saddle fitting - if Julia Garrett comes out that far she has a wide selection of second hand. Nathanial Underwood is excellent but expensive. I use all the people I've mentioned.


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3 March 2011
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Charlie Pickman is very good for teeth. Afraid I don't rate Wayne Abbot at all, had huge problems with both my horses' mouths after he had worked on them and has taken a while to fix. Lovely man but I wouldn't pay him to come and do my horses' teeth again, cost me a lot to have them fixed and there were some significant issues he'd not even noticed that were picked up on at a later date (and had definitely been there during his visit). I know a few people who used to rate him highly who have now moved to other dentists due to similar issues. Just my opinion though.

Saddle fitting wise I will watch this thread with interest as need my saddle checked and unsure who to use. Someone called Ian from Equicraft (I think, unsure of surname though I'm afraid) has been recommended to me, and I've used Chris from Wadswick with no problems. Don't rate Pointings at all and tried several other saddlers around here without great results. My RI uses Nathaniel Underwood and says he is very good, believe he's quite expensive though.


Well-Known Member
12 April 2007
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Thanks all so far for the replies re saddles and dentists- i didn't expect so many replies!- thanks very much, i'll look in to all the ones mentioned and let you know who i decide to opt for! (Such a minefield isn't it!?)

Has anyone used Wadswick for saddles? and Toby Lee for teeth at all?....

Thanks again, enjoy the sunshine today! :)


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12 October 2009
South Glos
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Recommend Lucinda Stockley for teeth, she is fantastic.

I'm afraid I wouldn't touch Chris Puddy with somebody else's bargepole, have seen too many bad results of his saddle 'fitting'.

I must admit this is the first bad opinion I've heard of Chris Puddy and I've been around horses about the same length of time as he has. Will check saddles sold by others and won't try to force you into buying. However you may have seen otherwise so I'm not saying your wrong but just stating my opinion.

Julia Garrett may be a bit closer to the OPs area. Have used Toby Lee in the past for teeth and he was fine.


Well-Known Member
23 February 2011
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Have used Wadswicks and they are good, reliable, nice, honest etc, but couldn't help my difficult to fit Arab. Julia Garrett is brilliant - really couldn't recommend her enough. She could feel and size up everything that was at issue with my gelding immediately with the gentlest of touch - I joked she could have a second income as a horse communicator! - and is cheap, does repairs and alterations on site, is very nice. Very very good.

And I used David Francis at Bellevue vets (was Francis and Jackson) for teeth. He is lovely.