Well-Known Member
My daughter is sharing a big Shetland but his saddle isn't great. It has no knee rolls and is one of those meant for five-year-olds. My daughter is nearly 11 and so won't be riding him for more than a year-ish. But they're getting on well and they are having jumping lessons (he's a great jumper). He's got no neck and sometimes puts his head down, so in order for her to stay on board her instructor advised us to get a better saddle.
Can you rent saddles? And do saddles with proper knee rolls exist for Shetlands? I'm borrowing a TCS next week for my horse, but that doesn't have knee support so wouldn't work I guess...
If I wanted to buy a used saddle, where should I look? I have heard Facebook is not advised due to scammers.
Can you rent saddles? And do saddles with proper knee rolls exist for Shetlands? I'm borrowing a TCS next week for my horse, but that doesn't have knee support so wouldn't work I guess...
If I wanted to buy a used saddle, where should I look? I have heard Facebook is not advised due to scammers.