Saddle suggestions - before I start drinking gin straight from the bottle?


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3 October 2018
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I have an AH sport gp and it fits like a glove to my tricky connie. I actually don't think they are too pricy at all for a lovely quality leather saddle with a lot of knowledge and experience behind their design. The fact they retain their resale value so well I think goes to show what diamonds these saddles are.

I'm currently saving up for an AH dressage saddle once baby is popped out and I'm back to pony games (and covid p's off).

I had a saddle company saddle on mine before my AH and whilst yes it technically did "fit" without hurting her, it did limit her muscle development and her schooling which I didn't fully realise until I got the new saddle and it felt like my mare kinda unlocked all this extra ability. Sbloom will be able to describe it more technically but the SC saddle didn't sit in her enough, it just perched on top and I felt very unstable.


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30 January 2017
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Depending on how close you are to Co Durham I may be able to recommend a fitter who could maintain a saddle for you, you'd have to deal with our HQ though for advice as they are just a really good general fitter and don't fit for us specifically.

I think I'm probably a bit far South unfortunately - we're just North of York. However someone one here has recommended me a local saddler who I thought was still on sick leave but turns out she's back at work - so that's good news! Just trying to track her down now. Or if you don't think that's too far, would you mind messaging me the name of the person you have in mind?

I use Lavinia Mitchell saddles for my xx wide horses they come in 6 widths I think and mine are a size 3 so they are very wide. I am also selling an xx wide Herritage WH 17" brown saddle that is practically brand new and it's under your budget if your interested.

Thanks - I will find out a bit more about LV then, I'll add it to my list of things to ask a saddle fitter when I can find one. I think a WH is going to be too straight cut, but thank you for mentioning it.

I have also looked into the freedom tree and it sounds great, but as people here have said they don't come up second hand very often. Neither do AH saddles - I can't find anything under £900 and I just haven't got that at the moment. Honestly I thought £500-600 would be a decent budget for a second hand saddle, and I wasn't expecting it to be quite such a nightmare just dragging a fitter out to look at my horse!

Which Wintec do you have? I would look at the 2000 wide and the 500 wide. Although still AP saddles the new models are very different styling wise. Slightly over your budget Brand New but not much....

He's in a 500 Wide, in the second widest gullet, it's very straight cut and my knees just pop right off the front. It's probably only a year or two old - have there been new models since then? The Wintec fits him alright (it was properly fitted when he was with his last owners - I could find out who fitted it if I wanted to, but I do trust that his last owners will have done their best to get him the best fit possible), it just doesn't fit me.


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30 January 2017
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I had a saddle company saddle on mine before my AH and whilst yes it technically did "fit" without hurting her, it did limit her muscle development and her schooling which I didn't fully realise until I got the new saddle and it felt like my mare kinda unlocked all this extra ability. Sbloom will be able to describe it more technically but the SC saddle didn't sit in her enough, it just perched on top and I felt very unstable.

If I'm honest this is my concern with both the Wintec and the SC saddle - they are not actually hurting either of us, but they're not really helping either.


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21 November 2008
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Widgeon, I had my AH saddle second hand (not the one Im talking about here but another model) and i watched the lady relist it a few times a little above my range and chanced my arm and it turns out some money was better than full asking price and going nowhere so she accepted. Perhaps slightly different for you as I doubt you'll be looking for a little pony saddle like i had but still worth it - the fact hey are expensive may mean less people able to afford meaning they can end up an expensive ornament for some while they wait for them to sell.

Bird in the hand and all that :D good luck


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22 July 2007
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You must also consider the shape of the tree and the length of the points. With a cob you need a tree with shorter points, as longer ones will interfere with the shoulder. It's a bit of a minefield and without the guidance of a qualified saddle fitter, it can be mind boggling. Ideal trees fit my cob perfectly.


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30 January 2017
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You must also consider the shape of the tree and the length of the points. With a cob you need a tree with shorter points, as longer ones will interfere with the shoulder. It's a bit of a minefield and without the guidance of a qualified saddle fitter, it can be mind boggling. Ideal trees fit my cob perfectly.

Yes, I would love an Ideal but they don't come wide enough, even XW is too narrow - I've tried. I'm persisting with trying to contact saddlers....


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19 July 2017
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I'm another one for a Balance Saddle. I have the Balance Equinox GP. It doesnt fit like a traditional saddle in the sense it fits to the horse you want to end up with not that narrow, pinched in, high withered, muscle wasted horses we look at and think are normal.
They are well worth looking into but you'd be lucky to find a second, 3rd or even 4th hand one for £600 (not to say they arent out there) Sometimes i do feel like it would be easier to have a double hip replacement though, mine is so wide. The pads can be a faff, im constantly checking mine with the new boy whose RID and starting to fill out now his back and muscles can move properly after years of traditional (and badly) fitted saddles.

I also had the same issue as you OP with the Wintecs and my knees and leg position!


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30 January 2017
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I also had the same issue as you OP with the Wintecs and my knees and leg position!

That's interesting - it's a relief to know for sure it's not just me! Honestly I could have had a tantrum when the Impala didn't fit, it's the most comfortable saddle I've ever ridden on :-(


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30 January 2017
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I would think of contacting Andrea Hicks. They are crazy expensive new really but my first choice for truly wide horses. You can sometimes find nice ones second hand.

We tried a sport gp on our pony and honestly it was the nicest thing I've ever seen. Ended up I decided against it but I wont forget the quality in a hurry.

Oh don't, my budget isn't going to stretch that far even second hand but one day I will have one of these! I'm likely to keep buying the same type of horse so chances are if I get an AH it'll be worth keeping forever. Thanks for the recommendation though, it's useful to know how many people rate them. And I can always keep an eye out.

Which Wintec do you have? I would look at the 2000 wide and the 500 wide. Although still AP saddles the new models are very different styling wise. Slightly over your budget Brand New but not much....

He's in a 500 Wide, I haven't considered the 2000 Wide but I have finally found a saddler - hooray! When Covid and weather allow she will come out and we can have a chat and investigate some options. It sounds like we'll probably start with the K&M cob tree, but I wouldn't be against another Wintec, so long as it's more forward cut than the 500 Wide.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2011
I've just taken a rider out of a 17" Thorowgood Cob GP and put her into a 16.5 VSD and she has more leg room. The synthetics and leather versions somehow seldom seem to have much space, not just seat but leg too, no matter what forward sloping blocks and other things they try.


Well-Known Member
21 September 2019
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Speak to the Saddle Company . They will come toyou4yard with the machine which alerts the saddle and fit it to you4 horse. Mine fits my Standardbred who is very wid3 and has a flat back . They also provide different size knee rolls.worth look8ng into. I hav3 used one on a large h/ w cob.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2011
My Suffolk is an Ideal (heritage?) saddle so they do go as wide as you need.

I fit one Suffolk in "only" an XW, and that's padded up because of some long term wastage, it does depend. They're not always my widest fits.

I would agree that Ideals do make some pretty wide trees/saddles, certainly to XXW, it's about the confidence of the fitter that it will work as they're seldom in stock so you can't often try them, and would have to be ordered made to measure. It's also about panel design, personally I've yet to see one where I've thought the panel design (and of course the tree because they're different too) was how I'd want it. And that's not just about the depth of the rear gussets etc but how the panel is constructed and how it affects the fit, it's the personal opinion of just one fitter of course, and many horses have Ideals that work well, but my average fit is about an XXW so it's my bread and butter.