Well-Known Member
I have an AH sport gp and it fits like a glove to my tricky connie. I actually don't think they are too pricy at all for a lovely quality leather saddle with a lot of knowledge and experience behind their design. The fact they retain their resale value so well I think goes to show what diamonds these saddles are.
I'm currently saving up for an AH dressage saddle once baby is popped out and I'm back to pony games (and covid p's off).
I had a saddle company saddle on mine before my AH and whilst yes it technically did "fit" without hurting her, it did limit her muscle development and her schooling which I didn't fully realise until I got the new saddle and it felt like my mare kinda unlocked all this extra ability. Sbloom will be able to describe it more technically but the SC saddle didn't sit in her enough, it just perched on top and I felt very unstable.
I'm currently saving up for an AH dressage saddle once baby is popped out and I'm back to pony games (and covid p's off).
I had a saddle company saddle on mine before my AH and whilst yes it technically did "fit" without hurting her, it did limit her muscle development and her schooling which I didn't fully realise until I got the new saddle and it felt like my mare kinda unlocked all this extra ability. Sbloom will be able to describe it more technically but the SC saddle didn't sit in her enough, it just perched on top and I felt very unstable.