Sarcoid laser


Well-Known Member
20 February 2013
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Hi all

My mare is off to the vets tomorrow to get her sarcoid lasered off.
Its between her back legs/groin area, its grown quite a bit and is still growing which is why it needs removing.

Any one elses horse had a sarcoid removed via laser??

Its my first experience of this so not quite sure what to expect :)


Well-Known Member
11 June 2012
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Yes - one of the mares on our yard had a 5 or 6 removed via laser treatment. The resulting wounds are not pretty and during the healing process they will look worse before they start to look better and close up. Make sure you give her the prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatorys and don't skimp on the cold hosing. We hosed 3 times a day - each wound for around 5 mins each time. it's labour intensive and if your mare doesn't like hosepipes as ours didn't initially then the first few days can be tricky. But persevere and don't be afraid to make sure the water pressure is powerful enough to clean out the wound. Our mare was on box rest for 2-3 weeks - we led her out in hand for a bite to eat as it was spring time. It was about 3 months before she started back under the saddle, primarily due to the fact that she'd one particularly nasty sarcoid in her off fore armpit. Hope your mare's op goes well, good luck.


Well-Known Member
30 May 2008
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Meeko - who is doing the lasering ? As with any of these treatments a lot of the success is down to the skill of the surgeon.
My boy had laser in the summer. As Havannah says the wounds looked pretty horrific but in essence are just flesh wounds and heal well. He had antibiotics for a week and some anti viral cream to spread into & around the wound. I did clean the wounds with warm salty water for the first 2-3 weeks whilst applying the cream but you need to avoid over washing as this will stop the skin healing properly. I only hosed his sheath area when that became swollen but only gently. I would see what your vet suggests.
It one of the most effective and least painful ways to remove sarcoids and such, but be prepared for a bit of gore to start with.

best of luck.


Well-Known Member
20 February 2013
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Bearle equine are doing the removal tomorrow.

Im reading quite a few horror stories about the removal and all the time off the horses are needing.

Fingers crossed its goes well tomorrow :/


Well-Known Member
30 May 2008
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I think the short term discomfort and disfiguration of laser is probably better than the months and months of dabbing on some of the creams and making the horse sore physically and mentally.
Mine was box rested for about a week and then I built him a stable sized paddock within his paddock so he could go out and have some head space without being able to hoolie around. Gradually I increased the size of his paddock and when I was happy he was quiet I just turned him out as normal. I made sure all the wounds were treated with the cream and he had plenty of fly spray on and around the wounds. I think the fresh air and sun actually helped with healing process. He was back gentle hacking after about 6 weeks and then in full work by about 3 months and hasn't looked back.
You just have to be guided by your vet and of course your horse and take it daily. its not something you can rush but with any luck they wont return, which is one of the major wins with laser.
If you PM me your e-mail I will send you a couple of before and after pics of my horses wounds so you know what to expect.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2005
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Looks like a horror show but actually heal very well and quite quickly with minimal scarring. I was told to pretty much leave the wounds alone other than a bit of blue spray if the flies seemed to have got at it. Horse had Bute but seemed mostly unbothered once the swelling had resolved. Mine was on box rest for something else and also had them done midsummer so not a great time to turn out! Good luck!