Scared - AGAIN!


Well-Known Member
14 February 2009
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Hi all

I posted a few weeks ago because I was suddenly petrified of my and other horses. I have worked on this and am riding again and 90% confident around my own horse. However, I was meant to ride tonight but because I was on my own I couldn't do it.

However, my major fear now is bringing my horse in. The other horses seem to always run at me, 1 kicks and jumps around like some kind of idiot. But if someone comes with me, he goes to run at me, spots them and changes his mind. The other one is just a fast paced, leap around kind of horse but this terrifies me. I brought my horse in out the field twice this week on my own and was fine. Then today - just couldnt do it.

This is really ruining things for me and I dont know what else to do. Even considered getting a field of my own and putting 2 donkeys in with him or something lol. It's really that bad I dread going down the yard again. Nothing has happened to cause it. I have worked on this issue a lot and only the other day I was sitting in his field with him! ITs just the other horses

Any ideas on what I can do




Well-Known Member
5 January 2009
Should be working.....
I remember your post from a few weeks ago - a big well done to you on all your progress!!

I can totally understand why you are getting unnerved by the other horses - I have had to share in the past with horses that have been a nightmare - one refused to let my mare out and would aim kicks at my head - and she meant it!!that It meant that there were times when I just couldn't get my horse in. Is there anyway your horse can be put on individual grazing? here we all have individual turnout as it stops these sort of issues ( it is more common than you think).

Don't let it spoil all the progress you are making - have a word with the YO and other horses owners and explain your situation and see if you can come up with a solution for you.


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31 August 2008
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I totally understand where you are coming from, both my mares are in field with five other mares, threee of which would kick you in the head. they patrol the gate and can be very tricky to get past. I take a schooling stick down to the field with me and chase the horses away. Can be hairy at times.


Well-Known Member
21 February 2008
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Ask for individual turnout, it will help you a great deal.

You have done so well, don't let this discourage you. Believe me, I was nearly (and I mean within a whisker) run down by one of mine today, and boy! he really did mean it!!!! So, everyone, has these things to deal with, you are not alone!

Have you explained to the YO how you feel? I knew someone on livery who was the same as you, she used to ask me if she wanted to get her horse in and out of the field. Could another livery help?


Moggy in Manolos

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8 March 2006
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Its scary and your not alone, i have been more nervous since i got kicked a 2-3months ago, i am much more nervous around horses now, and never did feel much fear before in all the years.
I had a pain in the butt horse to deal with, i ended up going out with a whip to protect myself and would wave it around, it worked for me but might not be the best idea for every horses, you just dont know how they will react but they should respect your authority but they dont always do they.
I would if you can get a separate paddock, that would be by far the best thing, good luck


Well-Known Member
15 November 2007
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Look around for a new yard where you don't have to fight through a stampede to bring your horse in. You're right to be scared, it can be a bl00dy dangerous situation.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2009
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I'm really amazed at just how many people have the same problem - I was under the impression it was just me being a wimp!

Today was a prime example at how little respect they have for me. A friend was helping me turn out, one the horses went to run at me, spotted her and just carried on grazing! What a cheek lol.

I considered a whip but my boyo is really scared as has some real nasty scars on his back end from a whip and it really unsettles him just to see one. I have ran at them and waved around and that makes them more adamant to get me lol.

They don't allow horses to be on their own at my yard and I have explained my concerns to the horses owner (the one who truley hates me) and she laughed! They think its funny.

I have just spoken to a YO locally who sounds ideal! 2 very quiet horses ready to go into a new field once a suitable (quiet) 3rd horse is found so going to see her in the morning. This already gives me more confidence!

It really is a case of 1 step forward 10 steps back!


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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I think entering a field of horses who run at you is very scarey. I lack confidence in situations like this. I know my body language gives me away but I still cannot help it.
The new yard sounds really sensible.
Well done for comming so far so quickly.
I am amazed at the foolhardiness of some people - a little self preservation is never a bad thing.
Don't let other people bring you down.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Better to be scared and careful than blase and injured. We keep our horses at home and always bring them in and put them out in the same order with the 'boss horse' 1st in/last out' to keep everybody, people and horses safe. This works partly because they respond to the routine and partly because we work with their natural inclination, not against it. You are clearly not in a position to do this and that is the main problem with sharied grazing on a livery yard, all the coming and going to fit in with different owners' routines unsettles the horses. IMO you should move to the new yard with 2 quiet horses asap and try to work with the other owners to share a routine.
Good luck!


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14 February 2009
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Great news! I have been to see a new yard this morning at it is perfect! Very kind, gentle owners who have the interest of the horses first and foremost. A nice strict routine which must be adhered to and to very gentle souls who may boy will share a field with. they are soft as cloths and when I went in their field they didnt ever look at me. One was lying down and barely got up when I went over lol.

My laddo moves on Saturday and straight away I feel more confident and relaxed. Spent 2 hours there this morning and it was a pleasure to be there! Fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
11 January 2008
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Brilliant! Glad you've found somewhere to move to

I feel exactly the same - I hate loose horses pratting about around me, even my own. I'm just lucky in that my mare is out with a very quiet horse who doesn't do anything (she ignores me completely). So I just have to watch out for mine. I think I trust her....


Well-Known Member
15 November 2007
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Really glad to hear you've found somewhere you can enjoy your horse without having to put yourself in that situation. I have seen someone break their leg by getting knocked down while leading a scared horse threw a gathering of impatient horses round a gateway, and plenty more near misses.

Good luck with the move.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2009
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Jeeeeeese flame! the hell with that! doesnt take much to scare me a broken leg would finish me off I think lol

Cant wait! I wish he was going today! Then again, watch this space, I will be posting with another fear next week lol. 'Im scared of dandelions - can anyone help' lol


Well-Known Member
5 January 2009
Should be working.....
Fab news!!
I'm sure it will all go well and you will both settle into a nice laid back life!!
Its sounds like here - somedays you look out the window and all the horses are lying down having a kip
- no matter how highly strung they maybe when they arrive it doesn't take long for them to slip into a coma!!!

Please keep up updated with your progress - I'm sure you will come on leaps and bounds!!!


Well-Known Member
14 February 2009
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Thanks Silky - fingers crossed! I am really exited about getting there now and just cracking on. I think also what will help is I have people around at present who I do reply on for help. In a new yard I will have to just get on with things which will increase confidence (thats the plan anyway lol)


Well-Known Member
14 February 2009
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Just thought I would update you on our move to the new yard.... OH MY GOD!!! Amazing!!!! My lado traveled well, a little shaken but nothing a polo didn't sort out. We arrived and he was smashing, had a little nose around and popped into his stable for a short while so I could check him over - all was well so we went into the field. He is in a field on his own until tomorrow but his 2 field mates are right at hand in the next field - he wasnt really interested in them to be honest.

I have actually been in the field with him - 3 times lol !!!! that was a huge thing for me. I didnt get a panic on or anything. I stayed down the yard from when we arrived at 10am until 4pm, nipped home for some dinner and back at 6pm and he was all ok. It may sound silly but its as though this has strengthened our bond. He was really pleased to see me every time I went to look at him. Normally he will just ignore me becuase he knew he would get chased by the other horse if he came to me.

He was even having a bit of a play around nipping me, not ideal but we can work on that. He wasnt nipping, just kind of holding my finger in his teeth?????

I have a lesson on him tomoorrow and can't wait (again, another first!) I have now decided to book a pleasure ride to have something to work towards and am desperate to go out on one of the yard hacks through the woods. Moving yards was the best thing I could possibly have done!!!

He himself seems a lot calmer and happier and a little excited with all the other horses nearby. He used to only be able to see the 3 in his field, now he can see about 20 and I think this gives him confidence. Bless him xx

Sorry this is so long, just cant believe the difference it has made



Well-Known Member
5 January 2009
Should be working.....
Well done I am so pleased for you and your boy!!

Its sounds like you are both going to enjoy your new yard - on a nice sunny day take a book and sit in your horses field and read for a bit - my mare will come and lie down next to me for a snooze!!
- it will help you get closer to him!

Good luck with the lessons, hacking etc you sound 100 times better already - the fact that you want to do all these things is a huge step forward in the right direction for you and your boy - so well done and fingers crossed you next post is 'we went out for a hack....' etc. Keep us updated!!