schooling advice please


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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Please can anyone suggest some exercises to help my horse with his canter work on the right rein. On the left rein we can do a 20 mtre circle without falling in and without too much difficulty,however on the right rein which is his stiffer rein he rushes off around the school and can not do a circle at all.He falls in and motorbikes the corners and rushes off around the school. His trot work on both reins is ok. I intend to do lots of 10 metre circles in trot on the right rein and stick to cantering the long sides of the school for now but can anyone think of anything which may help.For now I am going to avoid asking him to canter circles or even a full circuit on the right rein as he just is not balanced enough yet to do it.He is only 6 and has an old injury to his right hindquarter which I am sure explains why he finds it hard to work on this rein.He does take quite a long time to work in nicely but he is fit and in no way lame or uncomfortable on his right hind and as I say can produce some lovely circles and figure of eights in trot. On the left rein he can produce a fantastic walk to canter transition.I just wish the same could be said for the right rein.


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6 October 2008
somewhere quiet
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Have you had his backed checked at all, only saying this as our boy did exactly the same but we found his pelvis was skew whiff


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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I plan to get him checked next time the Physio is due to come to the yard just to be on the safe side but I really think it is more just stiffness due to a nasty old injury. He has a scar running through his right hindquarter which cuts right into the muscle. He passed his vetting in the summer when I brought him as an extremely green youngster and has no difficulty doing 10 metre circles and figure of eights in trot.I'm fairly sure that it is just lack of balance.


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
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it does sound like an issue with his back end which the back person could probably help you with, but if there is a problem it would still have caused him 2 gain some bad habits 2 evade workin properly so the back person may not b a miracle cure but definatly a big help, try keepin him more in the out side hand with yoyr inside leg on to help him balance better on the right rein. long reining may help you as it it very good exercise for the horse + wil allow you to watch him move from the ground.