Schooling Question - Travers


Well-Known Member
24 August 2007
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Me and B have now managed a half decent leg yield without him sticking his nose in the air and running!, so I thought I'd have a go at travers with the hope that one day we'll be able to do an amzing half pass (yeah right!!). Anyway, I understand the principle behind it and think my legs are doing the right thing but in practise I am struggling to know what to do with my hands. I want to use the inside more than the outside, is this right?? He did actually move his bum off the track for me but want to make sure i'm not confusing him.


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5 January 2008
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Opening a rein moves the quarters in so if on the left rein you want your inside rein to ask for a tiny bit of flexion and your right, ourside rein to open so as to push the quarters in. You will still need to half-halt with the outside rein. More importantly the horse should be active from your inside leg to maintain the impulsion.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
30 November 2004
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Before you do travers you need to be able to leg yield along the fence and have some form of turn on the forehand as these 2 exercises are the ones which teach the horse to move its 1/4s away from leg pressure.
Travers requires whole body bend (many people try with just neck bend) into the direction of movement and the outside leg slightly back and inside leg on the girth to maintain the bend and push the 1/4s over. The outside leg shouldnt have to work too hard or be any further back than if you were circling.

Travers mainly comes off the seat and this becomes easier to do the more established your seat is. You apply more pressure on the inside seat bone down into a secure inside leg and keep your shoulders parallel with the horse's shoulders.

Sounds easy, huh?!


Well-Known Member
7 October 2004
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A bump from the past...

I'm starting to attempt to teach Beau Travers and it is very much a case of the blind leading the blind! :eek: I'm having lessons but having a bit of trouble getting my head round what I should be doing in terms of body position. I also learn better from reading stuff than just being told so anyone who feels like posting a lecture... ;)

Bossanova's post above ^ is really good with the info on seat bones etc but what are your shoulders and hands doing? Would you, when teaching, open up one hand more than the other?
Above when talking about the 'inside' seat bone, assuming you are going anticlockwise round the arena this would be your left seat bone?

Any thoughts & ideas appreciated!