Scriptwriter -racehorse


Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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Happy New life Scriptwriter.
The end (except it's a new start for the fella ;) )


Well done all and well done Ken Slack, we are all mostly racing fans and all horse lovers and If I had one wish for all of this, is to wish every retired race-horse to find a happy home or has a dignified end.


Well-Known Member
30 October 2012
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Well done all and well done Ken Slack, we are all mostly racing fans and all horse lovers and If I had one wish for all of this, is to wish every retired race-horse to find a happy home or has a dignified end.
Yep, well done Ken.

Echo Bravo

Well-Known Member
6 August 2009
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So Justabob sold out, why put a good horse in at a so called bin end sale, I've seen what travellers do to good horses I know I own 2. All the owner had to do was contact heros or such like and they would have taken him on and found a good home for him, like they do most ex racers, those they deem dangerous I think, but couldn't swear too they would recommend pts. This owner? just wanted rid of and the cash.


Well-Known Member
30 October 2012
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So Justabob sold out, why put a good horse in at a so called bin end sale, I've seen what travellers do to good horses I know I own 2. All the owner had to do was contact heros or such like and they would have taken him on and found a good home for him, like they do most ex racers, those they deem dangerous I think, but couldn't swear too they would recommend pts. This owner? just wanted rid of and the cash.
Breath EB.......... I have not sold out at all, I just am aware of the facts.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2007
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I am emotionally spent. That was far better than a rubbish drama on telly. And a happy ending for Scriptwriter (even the name fits). Yay!
Wishing a happy ending for all the other racers.


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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The disposal of spent racehorses will always be with us, and I understand that not every racehorse can spend its retirement skipping about in a field of daisies, but when a horse such as yours, has been such a good and loyal servant, my view, along with those of others, is that he deserves better treatment.

It is about time this was made compulsory and every racer bred (whether successful and especially if not) either PTS or rehomed and tracked. The industry can't be allowed to continue to breed, try, use and scrap horses in this completely disgusting and irresponsible manner.

I know where there are two horses, locally bred and trained who have ended up in tiny, dark stables with no life at all because the trainer has refused to follow up the rehome.


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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It sounds like a good ending for this horse but what about all the other poor discarded horses this industry produces, the whole thing needs an overhaul.

This horse has been championed because he has notable winnings, if he hadn't made money I doubt anyone would have heard of his end.

I really think Racing can afford to do something constructive with the animals they use once their track life has ended. Most owners have to be hugely wealthy so they should ensure a fitting future for all the animals they breed and train. Charities are overflowing with rescue cases and I do believe those with money should do more to fund their own animals.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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It sounds like a good ending for this horse but what about all the other poor discarded horses this industry produces, the whole thing needs an overhaul.

This horse has been championed because he has notable winnings, if he hadn't made money I doubt anyone would have heard of his end.

I really think Racing can afford to do something constructive with the animals they use once their track life has ended. Most owners have to be hugely wealthy so they should ensure a fitting future for all the animals they breed and train. Charities are overflowing with rescue cases and I do believe those with money should do more to fund their own animals.

I agree with everything you've said.

neelie OAP

Well-Known Member
11 November 2011
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HHOers, give the man a little room. I'm not defending him, in anyway, and when reading the opening post, as everyone else, I honestly thought that a good servant deserved a better end than what appeared to be abandonment.

When we hear of such sad tales as this, climbing up on high horses, and lecturing the owners isn't the way for progress to be made. To Ken's credit he's bothered to open up a place on here, and however clumsy he may have been he's offered explanations.

The bottom line is that no matter how sad this tale is, Scriptwriter is Ken's property and it's for him to decide the horse's end. Suggestions and offers of help would make for a more acceptable resolve, than criticism from behind a screen.

Ken, whilst credit is due to you for facing up to the music(!), had you accepted the offers made, then this could have been resolved without rancour. The disposal of spent racehorses will always be with us, and I understand that not every racehorse can spend it's retirement skipping about in a field of daisies, but when a horse such as yours, has been such a good and loyal servant, my view, along with those of other's, is that he deserves better treatment.

I suspect that it's fairly common for owners to want to re-home horses which retire from the track, and I would think that there are a very high percentage which don't take to retirement, or being hacked out, or ending up as pets.

Ken, I wish you well, and hope that you will give clear thought to your future disposal plans.


Well said, I totally agree with what you say, but wouldn't it have been better all round if the person who started all this had the 'balls' to go and make contact with the horse's owner themselves, and at least got the correct story from the owner instead of peoples names getting 'blackened' through site likes these, maybe a lesson to be learnt here don't you think !


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Well said, I totally agree with what you say, but wouldn't it have been better all round if the person who started all this had the 'balls' to go and make contact with the horse's owner themselves, and at least got the correct story from the owner instead of peoples names getting 'blackened' through site likes these, maybe a lesson to be learnt here don't you think !

But the story wasn't incorrect. The horse was entered for Kirby sales ring.


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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Well said, I totally agree with what you say, but wouldn't it have been better all round if the person who started all this had the 'balls' to go and make contact with the horse's owner themselves, and at least got the correct story from the owner instead of peoples names getting 'blackened' through site likes these, maybe a lesson to be learnt here don't you think !

What correct story - they dump a horse that has won for them in a last ditch sale to get rid? Who is blackening their name? Their actions are what's brought the comments about, nothing else.

All that was done was report how dreadful it was the horse was going through that particular sale. Of course the owners would have liked it hushed up and the horse bought quietly. It's not like it's a one off.

Hopefully because of the publicity other licensed personnel will take note and not follow the same route.


Well-Known Member
18 April 2008
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I was chatting to a friend of mine who runs a racehosre rescue charity last night - she said that her contact up north said there were three other TBs in the sale as well - nobody seems to have mentioned these at all - anyone know what happened to them?

The industry doesnt do enough by a long chalk to support the rescues - there are far more than the "big four" out there who are registered charities and do as much work if not more because they dont get the high profile horses who need help... its about time that on top of the owners contributions that get taken automatically by weatherbys the bookmakers and the started to contribute to helping the future care of the stars (and non-stars!) in one of the indstries they make so much money from.


Well-Known Member
11 July 2004
Notts, UK
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Hi ken slack here,,,we've taken the decision to retire scriptwriter whilst still sound,,we entered in sale to advertise ,,we were contacted this morning by two great people looking to retrain him and give him a new life after racing which is our aim with all our retired racehorses,,the horse is going back todarley to be retrained and I've forwarded the ladies details to them,,half the fee Darnley offered for him is going to a racing charity of sheik Mohammad's choice,,if the lady who started this thread and the twitter campaign had only contacted us before starting silly stories all this rubbish could of been avoided,,,we try very hard to find our horses new homes and meny are having a great life showing and competing at other disciplines ,,
and can not be recommended ,even then we put a reserve them at a price above x,,you know what I mean,,,good luck ken

OK, first thing, coherent sentences please.

the only horses we sell at rubbish sales are the one we feel are dangerous

You are kidding me, right?
If they are dangerous, then have them shot!!
My god.....I am actually speechless.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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I was chatting to a friend of mine who runs a racehosre rescue charity last night - she said that her contact up north said there were three other TBs in the sale as well - nobody seems to have mentioned these at all - anyone know what happened to them?

Can only see one other TB entered, from a hunting home.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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All's well that ends well.

Is there any way that Fatty, sorry admin, could end this thread? It would be great if it could stay on but not be added to (as the latecomers will, most probably, 'go off on one' without bothering to read it all).

Good idea or should I just return under my rock? ;);


Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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My last word, honest, I think its a bit rich to come on here when its all over and give advice as to what should have been done. I happen to think given the circumstances the posters on here did an amazing job to help highlight this horses plight. Hindsight is something we would all love to have but we havnt got it, so shut up you dissenters and just be very grateful Scriptwriter got the happy ending.

Maybe we could bounce some ideas around as to what can be done to help ex race-horses, maybe someone like Sheik Mohammed trying to restore his reputation after the steroid scandal could be contacted. I know he rehomes his own but he may be willing to set something up so no ex race-horse finds himself in dire straits.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2003
SW Scotland
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Can only see one other TB entered, from a hunting home.

That particular horse will very likely be shown under saddle, plaited up, hooves oiled and most definitely wont be sold unless it makes its reserve plus a bit.
That dealer much prefers to sell from home where horses can be tried properly
He has his reasons for being at the various sales--probably to show he hasnt retired yet!!

I think the mention of 3 others, from previous sales, are to illustrate that our seller does use Kirkby Stephen to sell his unwanted TBs

He has admitted to doing this:

''the only horses we sell at rubbish sales are the one we feel are dangerous''

So that's alright then????


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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That particular horse will very likely be shown under saddle, plaited up, hooves oiled and most definitely wont be sold unless it makes its reserve plus a bit.
That dealer much prefers to sell from home where horses can be tried properly
He has his reasons for being at the various sales--probably to show he hasnt retired yet!!

I think the mention of 3 others, from previous sales, are to illustrate that our seller does use Kirkby Stephen to sell his unwanted TBs

He has admitted to doing this:

''the only horses we sell at rubbish sales are the one we feel are dangerous''

So that's alright then????


Ken slack

5 June 2013
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Guys,scriptwriter is on his way to darley,I spoke to cathoryn fry this morning ,shame ia wasn't yesterday,,I think she now realises our record of rehomeing our retired horses is second to none,,,we do try our best to give all our horses a good retirement and my conscience dictates I try,,,I've taken meny of your comments on board ,but please appreciated were the good guys!!,,,keep up the good work as meny of your aims I actually share


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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Oh so KS is the good guy all of a sudden? I thought Exmoor Ponies were the official mealy-mouthed members of equine society! Contradiction upon contradiction and about turns. We have a new breed - the Mealy Mouthed Carousel Horse.

I sincerely hope 'the journalist' gets her facts straighter than this particuiar creature.

I wish Scriptwriter a long and successful new career. Very aptly named horse indeed.


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
Oh so KS is the good guy all of a sudden? I thought Exmoor Ponies were the official mealy-mouthed members of equine society! Contradiction upon contradiction and about turns. We have a new breed - the Mealy Mouthed Carousel Horse.

I sincerely hope 'the journalist' gets her facts straighter than this particuiar creature.

I wish Scriptwriter a long and successful new career. Very aptly named horse indeed.

:D :D :D
HHO is full of contradictions, like at the same time very short and long memory.