Well-Known Member
This (above).
We weigh children when they come to hospital appointments and some parents even claim doing that is unacceptable and they are being 'victimised'. We see an ever increasing number of obese children (with no other medical problems) who can't jog, let alone run, can't stand on one leg and who are out of breath walking the very short distance to the assessment rooms. They are referred by their GP because they are presenting with problems usually seen in middle aged and older patients, including back, hip and knee pain, and type two diabetes. Up until 2000 type 2 diabetes was unheard of in children, it is now rife.
Parents (and those working with children) need to understand that whilst fat shaming/name calling is unpleasant (and bullying can be deeply so) it really is the least of the child's problems regarding their obesity. The saddest thing is that if parents don't help their children maintain a healthy weight that child will find it far, far harder to do so once they become an adult.
At work we see children with serious disabilities and illnesses, and those who are victims of horrific events such as accidents or strokes, but the obese children often seem the most tragic as their conditions (eg diabetes resulting from their weight) could have been prevented.
We see hundreds of very overweight children per year for illness stemming from obesity, we also see all children in our area with diagnosis that can cause obesity (such as Prader Willi Syndrome), but they only account for single figures. Almost without exception the parents of the children with syndromes such as Prader Willi are successful at keeping their children a healthy weight by weighing food and calorie counting, so it is possible.
So well done to the donkey owner, he may well improve the welfare of a few children as well as his donkeys.
I was allocating 14.2-15.2 cobsajobs into kids beginner lessons over five years ago now because of how heavy the kids were then, so I can only imagine post Covid et al just how bad it's got, and as you say so much of it is preventable. Some parents would question why their darling wasn't on one of the smaller speedier ponies...

Same for the children's dental lists I saw when I volunteed in the NHS. Kids and teens having their adult teeth removed because their diet and dental hygiene were both appalling.
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