Second Viewing and vetting


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16 September 2021
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We had a first viewing on a lovely pony yesterday for my daughter, she ticks all the boxes for us but before we decide whether to go for her or not we are having a second viewing with our instructor who will also have a little ride of her. IF all goes well and we decide to proceed we will need to progress to not sure if we need the 5 stage or 2? She had a 5 stage one just over a year ago, we have seen the paperwork and all was fine.

To he honest we may well insure her for less than £5k (her price is a bit more 🤦‍♀️) really because of the premiums! We did that with the previous horse as we argued that he came with loads of tack and rugs including custom made insured him for a bit less than we paid. I know for more than 5k you need a vet certificate....

She's 8, fit and well...or should we just get the 5 stage and insure for more? I'd not bother with loss of use, never have. It's really just for vet fee cover.



Well-Known Member
3 February 2009
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For the additional cost I would go for a five stage.

The value of the horse only really comes into it if for some horrible reason you have to claim for death, assuming you are not doing loss of use insurance. If it comes to this then the insurers will only pay out if the death meets BEVA guidelines. You then get into the debate of what is the horse actually worth versus what you have been insuring him/her for.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I had 5 stage vettings for both Charlie and Wiggy even though I had no intention of insuring. I pay into a savings account instead. It allows you to identify anything that needs a closer look if nothing else. With Charlie it raised an issue about an iridal cyst in his eye - the vet couldn't rule out a melanoma as he was grey - so I had the eye scanned. It was a cyst and it was fine.

Wiggy's was totally clear and as he was a bit older it gave me a lot of confidence that I could just crack on with him.

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Well-Known Member
9 January 2017
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Always have a 5 stage , the difference in cost is minimal

Insurance companies don’t always insist on it but you don’t want to buy a problem


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Always have a 5 stage , the difference in cost is minimal

Insurance companies don’t always insist on it but you don’t want to buy a problem

On the other hand, if you vet you will not be covered for anything remotely connected to anything that's recorded on the vet certificate. Without a vetting, you are covered unless the company can prove it was pre existing.