SEIB Search for a star... which class??


Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
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I am looking to enter my horse in either the Riding Horse or Show hunter Class, but as he is a total novice, how do i go about deciding which one he is best suited to?? i know it is close between which class, are there some guidleines??

If someone can advise on how to upload a photo i will!



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30 May 2008
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Without a pic its hard to say but an idea of his breeding may help. For instance if he is an Irish Draught, the hunter class would be appropriate. If he has more blood, then riding horse would be better.
Also, when you say total novice, how novice do you mean ? if he's never been out under saddle, I wouldn't waste your money with the SFAS classes until you have a bit of mileage under your belt, however much potential your horse might have, some positive ring experience is a must.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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I agree, it depends what he looks like

Also agree that some ring experience would be highly desirable, some of the people and/or horses are highly accomplished, its not quite the 'complete plucked from nowhere' combinations that you may expect


Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
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thanks for your reply, if you google images GDH Florestans Fire, there is a couple old ones of him there, he is a big orange warmblood.

He is only a novice inthe showing sense as he is a GP dressage pony, recovering from injury - hence me having ride. He is a total show off in the ring & knows his job, i have some experience of showing & would like to persue this with him for the time being (to get him out & about) until he is back up to fitness for his mummy.


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12 October 2009
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I have taken him out to a couple of local shows (which he was successful) but it didnt really seem to matter which of the two classes i put him in. I am looking to affiliate him this year too but dont want to look like a wally taking him into the wrong class!!

be positive

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9 July 2011
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He looks too chunky to be a riding horse they do not have to jump that is RC horse which if he does may actually be the best option for you as he is obviously beautifully schooled he should fit in the class well, he may lack a bit of type to be a true hunter, I would put him in the hunters if jumping is not an option.


11 October 2011
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Is he the big chesnut with the white blaze? If so then he looks more like a hunter to me, especially if he is over 16:2 or so. However if you are not sure you always have the option of entering both classes and let the judges tell you what they think.

ETA - I see he is over 17hh, in that case I think hunter.


Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
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Thank you 'be positive', there are two seperate classes for working and show hunters, plus the benefit of show hunter is that its in the afternoon!!


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12 October 2009
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Yes he is the Ginge, i think as there are two venues equidistance to me, i shall enter him to the Show hunter & if he is more suited to the other class i'll do the other venues RH class.


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30 May 2008
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He is a lovely looking boy OP, but if I am honest I don't think he will be suited to the Hunter class. if he has the movement of a typical WB he might well be too flashy and elevated. Hunters are much more workman like - straight rhythmical and even but not necessarily with the same level of elevation as a WB. This is why so many of the successful Hunters have so much ID blood in them.
I am just wondering if it would be worth a lesson / clinic with a showing producer to give you a better idea of which way to go. The SFAS classes are so expensive to enter for all of about 2 mins in the ring before they line you up and go through the judging. if you are not true to type, however well schooled, you are wasting your money. As someone else pointed out, the standard has shot up in recent years and its no longer a case of rocking up with the nicest horse of a bad bunch (not implying your lad is of course). And even if you win your class, they don't have to give you the HOYS ticket.
I'm not trying to p*ss on your chips at all, but don't want you to waste your money, get all dolled up and have a wasted trip and a disappointing day. Adorable Alice on here is very knowledgeable about this sort of thing and would be better placed than me to advise.
AA - are you there ??


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12 October 2009
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kautoStar1 - thank you very much for your advice, was exactly the sort of thing i was looking for.

From experience does anyone know any producers that are worth spending the money on for a lesson/advice/clinic?


Well-Known Member
30 May 2008
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Where are you ? North West. If so Robert Walker is in Cheshire. I am pretty sure he does the odd lesson / clinic before the season starts. Being a 'Hunter' man, he will give you a straight assessment.


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2 April 2007
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Nothing constructive just good luck whatever you decide to do :) I'm hoping to get to a couple this year in the riding club horse section :)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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He is a big ginger dressage horse, and rather nice he looks too.

He is not a riding horse and if I was judging, he would be too foreign for me as a show hunter at top level. Search for a Star has it's place but I think you would have more fun if you tried him in a novice hunter class. All the County shows will have a novice and more often than not a local hunter class. In the novice classes you will need to register the horse and you. The local classes don't ask for you to be affiliated to a society, but you will need to be within a certain geographical area to the show venue. Normally local hunters are those that reside in neighbouring hunt countries. Before you enter him at a County Show get him out and about at riding club and local level in the hunter classes. Get him used to ride judges, the trot up and the crucial stand blooming still for an hour !

His dressage training will give him an advantage in the show ring. The ride judge will want a forward, balanced and mannerly ride. He could easily score well on his ride and that will help him come up the line even if his type is not quite right. You will be surprised how many novice hunters are barely broken and ride like a dodgem !

My best horse is a Selle Francais but does not look 'foreign' he is schooled to medium and the ride judges just loved him. We had the odd blip, like the judge who wriggled around on him and produced half pass and the judge who took no contact at all so my ever well mannered lad did not move out of the line up until he was kicked too hard and shot off at canter. You will find the vast majority of ride judges to ride very well and recognise a well schooled horse.

Another route you could take to have fun in the show ring is the Trail Blazer Series. They have a wonderful final at Stoneleigh.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
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Adorable Alice- thanks for your advice!! We have done local shows & he has done quite well so i was looking to take it a bit more seriously now (& we have qualified in the Trialblazers :)). Perhaps i need to look into the classes at County as a Foreign breeds & Sports horses classes have been mentioned, maybe on a day ticket to test the water for him!! I cant forget (perhaps need to stop getting so carried away...) this is a side line for him and is about enjoying it for both of us.

You have made me laugh though, these silly super sensitive dressage ponies... i know the feeling of asking for movements without realising it, i used to get stuck in piaffe & passage &when going down the 3/4 line in canter would have some unexpected changes going on!! Luckily that doesnt happen anymore hahaha