Sellable or not?


14 April 2014
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Hope this is OK to ask...It's not a sales post, as he is not for sale...I'm just trying to figure out what the best options might be for the future of me and my horse...

I'm expecting my second baby due in the new year. I'm no spring chicken, and we left it late to have our first, who is only 13 months old, and my life has changed beyond recognition within this time. My horse has been on livery, so from his point of view, he's remained fit and is living a 5 star lifestyle, but from my point of view, I'm finding it increasingly hard to find the time to ride, partly because I'm constantly exhausted and we don't live near any relatives, so I can only ride at times when my husband is home. (I can't justify spending any more on a childminder, just so that I can ride!) I'm also a lot more nervous now, and I'm not enjoying riding like I used to because of my nerves and my guilt...

I'm wondering whether I should sell him, and most importantly whether there are people who would want a horse like him. He's 9 years old now - in the prime of his life and I think if I am going to do it, it's probably more likely he'll find a nicer long term home at this age?

I'm a Riding Club level rider, and he is a complete all rounder, who does everything well. I used to compete at unaff dressage and regularly get 67%+ in novice tests. He used to effortlessly clear and usually get placed jumping 1m courses (he qualified for scope jumping 1.2m with his previous owner) and I can hack him everywhere and anywhere alone or in company. He won every working hunter class I ever entered at the RC and local shows. He's 100% to load, clip, shoe, catch, etc. He's a middleweight 16.3hh KWPN.

I would have to describe him as a not novice ride, because he is a big horse with a busy mind, who if not ridden or handled correctly will start to nap. It doesn't take him long to work out if he can take the p*** with his rider or handler! He's also a bit spooky - taking a wide berth around the flappy plastic bag, builders rubble sacks, etc. He has an extreme fear of donkeys, and the only time I've ever lost control of him was when a donkey galloped down a field towards him, braying! He doesn't really like any other farm animals, but just prances and snorts past them usually! Also, in very large groups when galloping along in a 'herd' like environment, like out hunting or at sponsored rides he can get very excitable and strong. (He's completely fine at show's, clinics and events though!)

I don't know what he is worth, but if I decide to sell I'll find out.

Do you think a horse like this is likely to find another good owner? He's a bit tricky, but not too bad. He's nicely schooled and does well at the local shows, but I'm not sure he'd be winning material at affiliated regional levels.

Shooting Star

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18 October 2011
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Yes absolutely, he sounds just like what I was looking for but inadvertently brought something a bit greener. :)


14 April 2014
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Ah do you think :) I've really enjoyed him and I love him, but I think I'm quite unusual (compared to others I know) in that I've always enjoyed riding slightly challenging horses because I find them more interesting, but I've never had too much interest in competing at higher levels. In fact I've always preferred taking part in things like clinics.

Shooting Star

Well-Known Member
18 October 2011
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Definitely, there's plenty of people around that want to occasionally compete locally but also enjoy a hack on something that's not a complete riding school plod - the majority of our yard probably fits in to that category these days as competing is so expensive.


Well-Known Member
12 February 2012
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Definatly sellable in my opinion, every horse has its quirks and will test new riders/handlers and ide say plastic bags are the most common scary thing going! As for the donkey thing, well they creep me out abit too :D he sounds ideal for anyone wanting to show/compete at local level, i bet you would get a fair price for him too!


Well-Known Member
1 June 2012
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Sounds sellable to me, as long as your are honest with potential buyers. I know many people who like their horses a bit on the naughty side! Good luck in selling him and congratulations on your second pregnancy!