Sensitive stomach?


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14 January 2012
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Recently, H is producing a bit of liquid pre poo. This is of course, resulting in yuckiness between his legs, on his rugs and his tail is revolting. I'll probably give it a wash, but the yard doesn't have warm water so felt it a bit cold to do tonight

What could be causing this?

He's never had fully formed nuggets of poop but it's this liquid start that seems to have developed

He's 23 and has cushings, and is on one and a half tablets of prascend so could it just be an age thing?

He's fed hay and his feed comprises of hifi lite, pasture cubes, oats, coolstance, rig calm, super flex, apple and carrot and in the summer, electrolytes.

Is there anything I can do to try and clear this up, without spending lots as my budget is very limited. He's also a bit of a spooky moron, so nothing that makes that worse!
29 July 2005
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Boil the kettle to wash? I have to do this as we don’t have warm water on the yard yet at home. Has he been wormed recently? What are his teeth like? There’s so many things that could be causing it.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2001
Hants, England
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It could well be a side effect of Prascend. My cushings mare was similar, only the water came out afterwards, not before. She’s fine in the summer but an increase in hay sets her off. I feed her Coligone which has stopped it altogether but if you want cheap you could try Aloe Vera juice to settle her digestion.

Regarding washing, you can get waterless shampoo which just sprays on and towels off so you won’t have to wet him too much.