Septic foot

Paint it Lucky

Well-Known Member
19 March 2007
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One of my horses went lame about two weeks ago with a septic foot. So farrier took the shoe off and I poulticed it (am and pm) for about five days, some puss came out for the first few then it was fine, so after three clean poultices i let horse go out in field again (i had been box resting him to keep foot clean, also put plastic bag over poultice to keep that extra clean) he looked sound so i called the farrier to put shoe back on. The trouble is that now (day after shoeing) he is lame again on the same foot with a strong digital pulse so presumably some of the infection is still there.

So I can't decide, is it worth getting the vet out to have a look and what would they do? (eg. prescribe antibiotics? Would these help?) or should I get farrier back out and go through more poulticing? Or could it be something else? In the past all foot infections I've dealt with have cleared up really easily but this one seems to be taking longer? Does anyone have experience of this? Any advice greatly appreciated

PS: sorry this should probably be in veterinary but I thought more people would read it in here!

The Original Kao

Well-Known Member
20 January 2007
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i have the same prob with my filly and an abscess. she was fine friday until the evening, then on 3 legs

i called the vet as least i know he's gonna come

anway i've got till tuesday before plugging the hole up, if she's still not right then the vet will give me antibiotics.
so might be worth speaking to your vet to get some?


Well-Known Member
8 May 2008
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my horse got a foot abcess and was lame for about 3 weeks, she had lots of little pockets of puss rather than just one so it was harder to treat. I got the vet out but he didnt do anymore than my farrier would have done to be honest, however because your horse appeared to go sound and is now lame again, it could be a little more complicated and I would probably call the vet.

The Original Kao

Well-Known Member
20 January 2007
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might be worth changing vets then?
i use a vet that's not that close for an emergency, but i still called them out when Kao was on 3 legs, i know they'll do a good job compared with the vets that are closer and that my yard uses.
i had a £300 vets bill for a snotty nose (scope etc) just to be told they'd like to refer him to the vets school (was a loan horse i had).
i had to give him up at that point due to my new job and the owner not letting me move him.
she ignored vet advice and just left the horse as it was, the nose cleared up a few weeks later.
i know they're only human but i personally won't be paying loads of money out for a non diagnosis.