Settling into a new yard


11 December 2015
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I moved my girl to a new DIY yard on Wednesday for better facilities. Old yard was wearing thin with tiny, unusable school but other than that we both loved it there so we left on very good terms. New yard has lovely school and lunge pen with equally as good turnout except my horse has never been so stressed out in her life!

Never has she acted in such a bolshy and rude manner. She's naturally a very hot headed mare but she's dragging me around, it took three people to turn out this morning running us into ditches and trees! She's also getting worse everyday which i hadn't expected. She's better in the stable and on the yard, but is clearly feeling vulnerable and upset. I tried taking her into the lunge last night to work off some excess energy but she would not concentrate and it was completely useless.

I appreciate its only her 4th day at new place but im so worried about her and wondering if ive really messed up. Shes never acted this way at shows or clinics. I took her to a school hire literally just a few weeks before we moved and she was foot perfect but right now she's completely dangerous.

She has never behaved this way with other yard moves, and ive told myself i will give it a full 6 months before i think about going back to the other yard so please please tell me it gets better because im feeling incredibly homesick with how hard shes taking this :(

be positive

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9 July 2011
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I would take a good look at what it different about her turnout, is she in with others or alone? as she is generally good out and about and is ok in the yard I would suspect it is the field that does not suit her, whether she will settle may depend on whether any changes can be made to help her relax, mares can be incredibly sensitive and one thing not being right can make them lose the plot, if you can pin point what is not suiting her and do something about it you may find she is happier but if it is something you cannot change she may get worse as her stress levels rise.


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15 December 2018
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Oh it's awful isn't it - I know how you feel as I've had it before. I've been home feeling sick anxious & in tears after yard moves thinking I've done the wrong thing as my horse has been unsettled & upset. I now know it takes around a month for my boy to settle & he gets worse before he gets better! He becomes stressed & bad mannered until he's been out & met his new field mates for a good week or so & he's made friends, then I have him shouting for another week or so every time I bring him in alone etc but he gradually improves. I promise you, stick at it & it'll get better!

Misty 2020

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28 June 2020
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I completely understand your struggle. I moved my horse 2 weeks ago . I can’t catch my mare and it’s getting worse everyday but my horse does appear very happy. To be honest you just have to hope that she will settle down after a awhile.


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5 June 2020
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From my experience over the last 15 years managing a broad range of horses from pony clubbers to Olympic horses, my biggest piece of advice in this situation would be mares which are a bit more “hot headed” thrive on routine and a familiar face. It will probably take her a while to settle, but if her routine can be kept the same and she can regularly see a familiar face each day, she will settle given time. You can always re-assess her feed, if she’s on anything high energy, maybe swap it for something just filling for the moment. Don’t rule out addressing ulcers if you think she’s particularly stressed and if you can give her a safe outlet for her energy that is great, but I’ve always found simply the biggest factor to help is routine.


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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I always say it takes a good fortnight to settle down. We introduced a new horse a few weeks ago and it was absolute chaos initially. They were verging on dangerous, but they’re all calm, happy and a bonded, relaxed herd now.


11 December 2015
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To clarify, she's not long gone through 6k of ulcer treatment (underlying issues also treated) so is on a very low sugar/low starch diet and is kept on ablib hay. Her routine also hasn't changed at all. I see her at 7-8am each day, breakfast and straight out to the field then back in around 5pm, straight into bed with dinner.

I appreciate it's very very early on, but I've never seen her so dangerous in my life and it's making me feel sick with worry for her. It's so sad and heartbreaking to see her so upset like she's never been before. It's just making me question everything and I wish I could stay with her all day to make her feel better??


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21 April 2014
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many years ago i moved my boy to a yard that he absolutely hated. it was like he was possessed by an alien. i couldn't keep him in, he hated the field jumped out. i don't know what the yard owner was doing but i suspect very strongly he was hitting him. we were only there three weeks. the final straw was when he broke the front of the stable block. yard owner rang me and told me to move him now. this was 4pm in the snow at the end of november - you can imagine the panic. we were very fortunate that several phone calls later a yard across the fields said i could have him there over night if we could walk. my partner and i walked my very, very upset 17.2 across the fields in the dark to the new yard. he walked on and took a huge sigh of relief and instantly calmed down. we stayed a week before managing to find somewhere that could take him. i will never get over the experience. he absolutely hated the place - it had really bad energy. i hope you manage to get sorted but if you horse is unhappy move


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2 July 2009
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When I moved my older horse to a new yard he changed character completely it was like I didn’t know him at all. If I’d just bought him I’d have sent him back! He was silly, obsessed with a mare, horrid to ride.

He did improve but had to change fields and move to a different stable. But he never really settled there. I moved to where I am now a year later for that reason and because I realised the YO couldn’t be trusted and he settled in on day one. Been there 10 years now.

I do think some yards just don’t suit some horses or they sense bad vibes.


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19 May 2009
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When I moved my older horse to a new yard he changed character completely it was like I didn’t know him at all. If I’d just bought him I’d have sent him back! He was silly, obsessed with a mare, horrid to ride.

He did improve but had to change fields and move to a different stable. But he never really settled there. I moved to where I am now a year later for that reason and because I realised the YO couldn’t be trusted and he settled in on day one. Been there 10 years now.

I do think some yards just don’t suit some horses or they sense bad vibes.
I had this once took Gingerwitch on one of my relocations and she got off the box and turned into a fire breathing draggon. If I would have just brought her I would have said she had been drugged. I tried for 2 months until I found out that one of the liveries thought it funny to put a lighter lit by the way under the horses muzzle until they would fly back, she also put a gag out on her own horse. This was in full view of the yard owner and us liveries. I complained and got told in no uncertain terms it was her horse and none of my business. Fortunately I had been looking for a new yard so was able to load up and leave the next day. They were a bit surprised when I went back for my stuff but I would have left the lot as my priority was my horse. She walked off the box at the new yard and turned straight back into my Gingerwitch and I never had an issue with any other move. Sometimes the horse know more than we do.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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We bought a new mare, who was almost foot perfect when we tried her but was like a different animal at the 1st yard we took her to. After 6 weeks we moved her to another yard about 3 miles away. We led her there and just under halfway were jokingly but with underlying seriousness wondering if we could leave her in a field while we all had a break. We persevered and carried on to the new yard. It was almost as though once we were over half-way, she realised that we were past the point of no return and walked in a mannerly way.
She settled at the new yard immediately, although if we had realised there was a resident stallion we might not have chosen that yard, as we did wonder if one of her problems was the resident stallion at the 1st yard. She stayed on the 2nd yard for about 10 yrs until we bought our own place. Then she stayed temporarily on a friend's farm for 3 months during the house-buying/moving period and had no difficulty settling either there on on our new property.
I think they just pick up on the atmosphere on some yards which simply does not suit them.

OP, I would re-evaluate your needs, is there any way you can find somewhere else to do your schooling - arena hire or out hacking? And seriously consider moving her back to your old yard, if that is still possible.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
My own planet
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We bought a new mare, who was almost foot perfect when we tried her but was like a different animal at the 1st yard we took her to. After 6 weeks we moved her to another yard about 3 miles away. We led her there and just under halfway were jokingly but with underlying seriousness wondering if we could leave her in a field while we all had a break. We persevered and carried on to the new yard. It was almost as though once we were over half-way, she realised that we were past the point of no return and walked in a mannerly way.
She settled at the new yard immediately, although if we had realised there was a resident stallion we might not have chosen that yard, as we did wonder if one of her problems was the resident stallion at the 1st yard. She stayed on the 2nd yard for about 10 yrs until we bought our own place. Then she stayed temporarily on a friend's farm for 3 months during the house-buying/moving period and had no difficulty settling either there on on our new property.
I think they just pick up on the atmosphere on some yards which simply does not suit them.

OP, I would re-evaluate your needs, is there any way you can find somewhere else to do your schooling - arena hire or out hacking? And seriously consider moving her back to your old yard, if that is still possible.
I also would see if I can go back to my previous yard. I know you want to school but nedster has to live their, and I think maybe she is saying she dont like it in the only way she can. She know s it's a permanent move, not like a camp or a clinic and I really would listen.
I sometimes worry that when we give them time to settle, we actually mean time to give up trying to tell us and they switch off and become a bit depressed and depending on the nedster either crack on and get over whatever it is or just become a little distance. If you have an excellent relationship with your Neddy then they can be rather forceful with their opinions as they know that you know something is off. Do by the sounds of it your Neddy knows you care so she is telling you that you need to sort this out. Have you tried to ask her what's wrong ? Sometimes if you clear your mind, slow down your breathing, put your hand on their neck and gave a silent conversation, you may feel your answer.


11 December 2015
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Evening all. The yard has been lovely and all the people have been so so supportive. Everyone is telling me I have to give her time to settle, that I'm being too sensitive too soon however I really don't feel like this one is for her. I would much rather a happy mare then a fancy yard with a school (that currently I'd be scared to go anywhere near and paying extra for the privilege for!). I didn't dare turn her out today, and she was very happy staying in her stable bubble with a horse next door then going out to the field which is so unlike her. I'm certain she wasnt drinking in the field, or eating for that matter and it breaks my heart.

I think regardless of if she settles I will look to go back to last yard shortly. I absolutely can make it work with a bit of extra money and going to a lesson at a school hire every other week instead. We left on good terms and I'm hoping they will welcome us back no problems as long as they haven't filled the stable!


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10 April 2012
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I think regardless of if she settles I will look to go back to last yard shortly. I absolutely can make it work with a bit of extra money and going to a lesson at a school hire every other week instead. We left on good terms and I'm hoping they will welcome us back no problems as long as they haven't filled the stable!
FWIW I think you are making the right decision for your horse. Fingers crossed that your old stable is available.


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22 January 2014
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I’d stick her on a high dose of valerian calmer to try and help her settle. It’s not legal for competition and does help take the edge off sometimes.


5 July 2020
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I moved my pony some years ago. My chilled out, quiet pony.

Turned into such a stressed mess. I took him back to his old yard after a week. He had stayed at a few yards over the years and had never been upset like he was.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2014
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I moved my girl to a new DIY yard on Wednesday for better facilities. Old yard was wearing thin with tiny, unusable school but other than that we both loved it there so we left on very good terms. New yard has lovely school and lunge pen with equally as good turnout except my horse has never been so stressed out in her life!

Never has she acted in such a bolshy and rude manner. She's naturally a very hot headed mare but she's dragging me around, it took three people to turn out this morning running us into ditches and trees! She's also getting worse everyday which i hadn't expected. She's better in the stable and on the yard, but is clearly feeling vulnerable and upset. I tried taking her into the lunge last night to work off some excess energy but she would not concentrate and it was completely useless.

I appreciate its only her 4th day at new place but im so worried about her and wondering if ive really messed up. Shes never acted this way at shows or clinics. I took her to a school hire literally just a few weeks before we moved and she was foot perfect but right now she's completely dangerous.

She has never behaved this way with other yard moves, and ive told myself i will give it a full 6 months before i think about going back to the other yard so please please tell me it gets better because im feeling incredibly homesick with how hard shes taking this :(
Hi OP, just wondered the outcome with your mare? I'm in a similar boat now