Sharer/loan issues- Help!!


Well-Known Member
24 November 2007
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As the market for selling is so sloooow, we've loaned our pony to a child on the yard on an informal basis while her horse is out of action and we find the right buyer.(we have 2 ponies and too little time at the mo) She is paying the livery but we're paying for shoes/worming.
The problem is that while we had her she was ridden 6 times a week for at least 45 minutes, with 2 or 3 outings to lessons/competitions a month and long hacks at weekends. She is a very competent competition pony with BSJA winnings etc. This child rides her 2 or 3 times a week for 20 mins, and her idea of a hack is a quick 10 minute trot down the lane! Though she is a good doer, the pony has never been fat, but now she is like a barrel. I have restricted her grazing but what she really needs is good exercise. I had a word with the child's mother last week and said this as tactfully as I could, but it doesn't seem to have had an effect. Then, at the weekend she complained to me how sluggish she was being and how she was having to use spurs to get her going.
. She also said she had entered her for a few competions over half term and she was worried she was being hard to get going! Again, I said that the more you do with her, the more she will give back.

Now I'm a bit worried. We really need to sell the pony on to someone who will use her to her potential, but I'm worried she is losing value with each passing week. We can't give her the time she needs right now due to exams/work committments, and I don't want to start ordering this child to ride more as she is after all, paying the livery....