Sharers - tell me what you do? Owners tell me what you want?


Well-Known Member
12 July 2008
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I have had a couple of shares.

Mostly I want A) reliability and B)common sense. It can be amazingly hard to find either!

I totally flexible with day riding as I have two ridden horses. But I do want them ridden regularly and when you said you were going to.

Both horses are safe sensible type but I want someone who's not going to do anything silly.

What people want in a sharer depends partly on WHY they want a sharer. For some it's about the money and will accept anyone willing to pay enough. Others want help with the schooling etc so prob don't want much/any money but do want a good rider. And others need help with time and chores so really need someone who can commit and is reliable.


Well-Known Member
9 July 2008
Cambridge, UK
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I had a veteran share just to hack out, she lived out so I would go to get her in, groom, hack as long as I wanted and feed/hay her and her field mate (her son in fact) and also poo pick but that didn't have to be every day. I gave her about 60 pounds a month and didn't pay if away or sick or snow etc.

Loved the hacking! It was two days a week, which we agreed pretty much on the Sunday before, although two days I never did, Also would go out with owner on the other horse at weekends sometimes.

She was a safe but slightly spooky horse who did like to go fast! had a sort of riding/loan project thing after that where I would pay for half of the shoes but that was a more silly horse so wouldn't warrant a proper sharer!


Well-Known Member
27 May 2012
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Just a quick update...

I've been sharing the horse I saw on preloved now for 5 weeks or so and am loving it! His owner is really laid back and I can do what I want with him when I like pretty much. He's a lovely sane 15.2 coloured cob with a huge personality and i'm chuffed to bits:)

Cost me £25 a week which tbh is more than I had wanted to pay but it's worth it for the confidence he's giving me.

I thought i'd post again incase any would be sharers found this on a search and were trying to motivate themselves to make the call :)


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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Where are you OP? Kent by any chance....:D

"Where are you OP? Kent by any chance...."

Isn't the "are you in Kent" question normally aimed at dodgy people trying to screw someone over?

I pride myself on being a but weird but i'm not dodgy, untrustworthy or criminal in anyway.:rolleyes:

Nicnac that seems a strangely loaded question :-Q

Just seen this - actually no - wasn't a loaded question at all. I am looking for someone to share one of my Kent. Glad you are sorted and not in Kent.