Sharing/ Loaning from home yard .. HELP!


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3 October 2012
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Hi guys, after some advise please.

Bit of background - Put my horse out on loan a couple of years ago for a years loan. We brought a property with land and stables so horse came home at the end of his years loan (been in property a year, he came home last June).
The lady who had him on loan has continued to ride him a couple of times a week which helped me out and obviously lessened the guilt I felt taking him off her, lol!. I needed a companion for him so made sense to make it a ridden horse which I now prefer riding. Old loanee/ sharer/ friend is now giving notice, she wants her own horse or loan at a yard closer to her home and I cant blame her, no one is at fault SO I now have a rather awesome 16.2 ISH sitting in a field about to do not a lot. I could ride two, I prefer riding my mare so it makes sense to find someone for him.

Has anyone successfully loaned or found a full time sharer with a horse kept at home and how did it work?

Do I loan him to stay on current yard and if so do I charge them livery? Do i find a sharer who wants more than 2-3 days a week and what, if anything, do I charge them?

If he was out on loan at a livery yard the loanee would buy/ dictate and do all feed/ supplements ect .. Does the same apply if he's at home? Do they get to chose their own farrier?

I dont have a school, I dont have transport. We have great hacking.

Do I advertise him for full loan for someone ideally with transport and they get to choose what discipline he competes in (he's a very good allrounder RC type) with the hope I can bum a lift to comps OR do I advertise him as a happy hacker which isnt ideal but its currently what he is until I get my own transport .. which isnt going to happen anytime soon because of finances :(

Any thoughts or advise would be much appreciated and thanks if you got this far and understood any of that rambling, lol :)



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11 October 2006
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I have ridden a number of horses from the owners property. Not had any problems with doing so although I would in your case set some limit on access times. It's your home after all.
Money side really comes down to right person or cash more important. If cash is not an issue then perhaps wording advert along lines of contribution required but not necessarily a monetary one. Could be, as you say, transport, horse sitting when on holiday, yard duties etc.
As to what to advertise him as, state what he's done, what you believe he is suitable for and leave it up to the sharer to make suggestions.


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24 November 2008
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If you loaded him from your home and charged livery you'd effectively be running a (very small) livery yard and you'd have all the business rates/change of use/etc to deal with in theory wouldn't you?

If you shared him from your yard situation might be different.

Possibly worth checking with BHS legal line if you're a member?

Or you could sell/loan away from home and get a non-ridden companion on loan from a charity if the idea is you don't want a ridden horse around not being ridden?


Well-Known Member
3 October 2012
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If you loaded him from your home and charged livery you'd effectively be running a (very small) livery yard and you'd have all the business rates/change of use/etc to deal with in theory wouldn't you?

If you shared him from your yard situation might be different.

Possibly worth checking with BHS legal line if you're a member?

Or you could sell/loan away from home and get a non-ridden companion on loan from a charity if the idea is you don't want a ridden horse around not being ridden?

Thanks I hadnt thought about that so will need to look into it more.

The lady who loaned him for a year and has been riding him since he came home would take him on loan closer to home at the drop of a hat but I want him at home. He's mine, I love him and dont want him going anywhere so thats not an option, i'd rather he sat in the field. Selfish? probably a little but he's mine, mine mine mine, lol :p


25 June 2009
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Thanks I hadnt thought about that so will need to look into it more.

The lady who loaned him for a year and has been riding him since he came home would take him on loan closer to home at the drop of a hat but I want him at home. He's mine, I love him and dont want him going anywhere so thats not an option, i'd rather he sat in the field. Selfish? probably a little but he's mine, mine mine mine, lol :p

Personally, I would not take any money for livery for my own horse at my own yard, my horse my responsibility, if you want someone to ride, they are doing you a favour as much as you are doing them a favour so I would not even bring money into it. if they want to do jobs then yes fine but ultimately he is your responsibility and I would not feel right about charging.


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7 September 2004
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Ok, well that's clearer then, it is not an option to move him.

In which case, given you have no real facilities or transport then your main market must be as a happy hacker.

If you want full control of what he does, eats etc then in my mind you need a share option rather than full loan.

In terms of charges, it kind of depends on what is most important to you, having a sharer because he needs someone (in which case you open up your options with minimal/no charge) or you are easy either way and if going to the hassle then want some money, in which case £10 a day seems to be the going rate

The Fuzzy Furry

Getting old disgracefully
24 November 2010
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I think I'd have 2 options in your case.

1. Loan out - to go away from home
2. Get a sharer

If option 2, then aim for a sharer who can commit to 3 times a week or more, tell them details to be discussed after a trial ride, but likely to be either contribution towards farrier etc or chores in return. You could (once sharer established as an ok one) then ask if they wanted to compete, they could do so but would have to find transport, or perhaps do chores in return for riding?

Good luck, hope you find a way that works for you :)


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25 February 2016
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If you're not too bothered about cash then I'd just advertise for a sharer who could help around the yard. I've done that before (short term while they found a decent child rider for a 13h pony) - it worked pretty well as I'm more than happy to muck out, poo pick, clean tack etc.

I was also skint at the time so just grateful to have something to ride!


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22 August 2012
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Regardless of whether you need the monetary contribution, I've found people are more reliable when they're paying for something.