Shetland or Welsh A as a companion?


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29 June 2016
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we had a shetland as a travel companion and he was ace!

Stayed behind normal 3 strand electric, kept his muzzle on, easy to catch and handle, backed in a day etc.

maybe he was a freak of the shetland world but he was a super dude :)
28 February 2011
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I'd have a Sec A, they're easier too look after and easier to come by. They are also beautiful whereas Shetlands are unattractive IMO.

There are some truly butt ugly Shetlands out there! Some with muckle big heads on them! Blergh! But not my lot. My lot have pretty wee heads.

Plenty of butt ugly Welsh ponies too with bright blue eyes, big white faces, cremello colouring etc. They wouldn't be my cup of tea.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Hence why I have fields full of Shetlands 😁


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21 April 2007
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I'm glad you got the Shetland! I've had two in the past, and have 2 Sec As now (one's out on permanent loan though). Both Welsh are total divas, one just hates anything to do with traffic or harness 🙄 but good in other ways and the other is just...well, ridiculous.
Shetlands are much more reliable imo! Treat them like proper horses and you'll always know where you stand.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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There are some truly butt ugly Shetlands out there! Some with muckle big heads on them! Blergh! But not my lot. My lot have pretty wee heads.

Plenty of butt ugly Welsh ponies too with bright blue eyes, big white faces, cremello colouring etc. They wouldn't be my cup of tea.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Hence why I have fields full of Shetlands 😁

It's not just the heads though, the proptions don't appeal either and they've got worse over the years. Yes, some Welshies are extreme, same with Arabs but there are far more Welshies to choose from so you're more likely to find an attractive one.


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6 August 2023
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I'm glad you got the Shetland! I've had two in the past, and have 2 Sec As now (one's out on permanent loan though). Both Welsh are total divas, one just hates anything to do with traffic or harness 🙄 but good in other ways and the other is just...well, ridiculous.
Shetlands are much more reliable imo! Treat them like proper horses and you'll always know where you stand.
I can’t comment on Shetlands but I also have a Section A who firmly sits in the ridiculous category! 🙄
28 February 2011
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It's not just the heads though, the proptions don't appeal either and they've got worse over the years. Yes, some Welshies are extreme, same with Arabs but there are far more Welshies to choose from so you're more likely to find an attractive one.

Up in Scotland you can throw a stick and hit a shetland. Not so much a Welsh pony. Like anything it is regional as to what is the favourite there.

cauda equina

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2 February 2014
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There's their voices too
Some Sec As have the most annoying neighs, high and squeaky and neurotic-sounding
My Shetland has a lovely whinny and isn't over-vocal, a good thing when he has to be left on his own sometimes


Well-Known Member
22 November 2020
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There are some truly butt ugly Shetlands out there! Some with muckle big heads on them! Blergh! But not my lot. My lot have pretty wee heads.

Plenty of butt ugly Welsh ponies too with bright blue eyes, big white faces, cremello colouring etc. They wouldn't be my cup of tea.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Hence why I have fields full of Shetlands 😁
The big headeaded Shetland s and the welshies you describe are my favourite. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder .


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12 March 2005
N Beds
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Are you on your phone? If so, download an app called 'compress' & run your photos through it. That makes them 'smaller'. I have no idea how, or what it means, but it works! And I want to see Shetland photos! I have a Shetland too, and I like her now more than I did when we had temporary ( = 'invisible') fencing :)

Oh, the days of playing hunt the Shetland. I also discovered when trying to catch her that she can jump a ton bag of sand & my ditch which is 4-5ft wide...