Shocked at warmup etiquette


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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I rode delicia today at our yard, there was a jumping clinic/show going on so the warmup (ample space) had two jumps in the centre of the school. I take Delicia into warm ups as it desensitises her and she behaves well (most of the time). I am used to dressage warm ups but my word! There were no words!

1) people trotting into the warmup when there are people literally crossing the path of the gate.
2) Using Delicia to stop :mad:
3) Jumping without warning others
4) Not passing left/left
5) stoppping dead on the outside track when i am cantering (least my cantre half passes are coming on ;) )
6) getting on a just tacked up horse and cantering almost immediately/jumping

I used to jump years ago and i remember when we used to yell 'jumping' if we were about to jump. I also found that parents (these were teenagers riding) would coming into the school and adjust the fences without asking others if it was ok first. or worse, bring their dogs into the school so they could cock-up their leg against the jump and pee on it....

Delicia was brilliant, as always, but i think i will stick to my dressage ;)

I turned her out in the private school after,a s you can see the whole thing thoroughly stressed her out


Thank god for likits ;)


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village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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I understood that it was part of warmup etiquette that the warmup arena was for the use of those about to compete.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2007
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Whats wrong with getting on a just tacked up and cantering? If a horse is feeling super fresh or very on tip toes would rather go straight into canter to try and release some tension and then when settles a bit more start to work in properly.

We often jump with out warning - however at home if someone else is in arena would usually say something like "am going to jump now" and they will either work in one part of arena or just avoid us - 2 way system :)

However as a warm up I wouldn't expect anyone to announce that they were jumping, surely thats a given?

LOL at her rolling, looks very stressed out with the whole thing :p


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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Whats wrong with getting on a just tacked up and cantering? If a horse is feeling super fresh or very on tip toes would rather go straight into canter to try and release some tension and then when settles a bit more start to work in properly.

We often jump with out warning - however at home if someone else is in arena would usually say something like "am going to jump now" and they will either work in one part of arena or just avoid us - 2 way system :)

However as a warm up I wouldn't expect anyone to announce that they were jumping, surely thats a given?

LOL at her rolling, looks very stressed out with the whole thing :p

Because the horse was clearly very stiff (apparently was 19!) and three people aimed for the same jump (in two directions :O )

she was very stressed out, fat bugger cant roll over ;)


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7 January 2012
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I understand what you mean! It annoys me when people cut me up at shows too, especially as my horse gets excitable at shows, or when people end up running into you! I can understand it getting slightly busy and sometimes it's hard to move out of other peoples ways, but they should be more considerate at times and we should all know the basics, passing left to left, not getting too close etc.

I do find that the majority of people are considerate towards others, its just a handful of people who seem to be careless when in the warm-up ring.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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However as a warm up I wouldn't expect anyone to announce that they were jumping, surely thats a given?

well it's a given that they were going to jump, but not when they're going to jump... It's courtesy to call so that other riders know not to approach the fence from the other side / circle in front of it / keep a clear path.

I find sj warm ups a nightmare, really unpleasant.

I do canter my nearly-19 year old before trotting / warming up though as he relaxes and stretches in canter, otherwise he can be sticky in trot.


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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JFTD - that i can understand but its the fact she cantered straight into the jump and the mother comments on how soft the pony was :eyes:


Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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ive only ever experience 2 warm ups so far... oen jumping and one dressage...

the dressage was fine.... no idiots - one girl ran into me (meanr to be left to left - she appologised i thanked her and no problem) :)

jumping..... they were actually pretty considerate.... because they were all 20's (like me ) ++

so yes OP i hear you.... you wernt wrong.... some teenagers give others a bad name :eek:


Well-Known Member
13 November 2008
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I'd be annoyed if someone who was not competing was using the only space I was allowed to warm up in (especially if it was busy) if they had another area to ride in. I have never ridden in the warm up if I was not competing when there was a comp on at my yard. Even if all the arenas were being used. I either hacked or rode later!


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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I'd be annoyed if someone who was not competing was using the only space I was allowed to warm up in (especially if it was busy) if they had another area to ride in. I have never ridden in the warm up if I was not competing when there was a comp on at my yard. Even if all the arenas were being used. I either hacked or rode later!

show/clinic went on till very considerate when schooling as i am greatful to be alowed to school.


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28 July 2009
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The bit that worried me was "Using Delica to stop" Blimey Captain would launch them into space! He will not tolerate a horse running right up to him. The rest unfortunately has always been an issue in my experience, not saying it is right, just that it happens unless the venue have some one in the warm up ring, policing it. What used to get my goat was the people who knocked down the fence and just left it!! Especially if there was no member of staff to pick it up. I used to throw a paddy at that, I must admit.



Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
Mid wales
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Sadly there are some knobbers around!! I can safely say I am not a knobber when I warm up I will wait till it gets quite in between classes or get there early to take the extra spark out of my spooky young horse!! We are not all bad!! :0)


Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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Because you are using some word that begins with e that seems to be an unknown word :p
As for saying when you are jumping in a busy warm up I think its a good idea so every one knows where they stand, if theres only one or two of you then thats diffrent.


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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yes but when there are 6 ponies galloping into fences and using the entire arena to turn/pull up in then where do i go? I end up stopping and letting them work out where they need to aim (so they do not aim for me)

Fab training for dee mind :)


Well-Known Member
29 November 2010
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I rode delicia today at our yard, there
2) Using Delicia to stop :mad:

This annoys me the most!! I clearly have a ribbon in my horses tail to indicate he is known to be a kicker especially when someone gets right up his backside yet they still insist on using him as a doorstop!
Then I get the blame when their precious pony gets a kick.


Well-Known Member
23 November 2011
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Jesus sounds er lovely?!

Tis just an extension of how rude society is today, only out for number one and common courtesies are a thing of the past.

This is why I hate competing and wont do it anymore - 90% of competition riders are exactly the same, its only them and their precious pony that matters and god forbid you actually use the arena you pay to have access to!


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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Jesus sounds er lovely?!

Tis just an extension of how rude society is today, only out for number one and common courtesies are a thing of the past.

This is why I hate competing and wont do it anymore - 90% of competition riders are exactly the same, its only them and their precious pony that matters and god forbid you actually use the arena you pay to have access to!

This is why when you run into my mare she doesnt kick ;)

Ive been taking her into every warmup i can since she was 3 so that she is good around other horses.....its a huge part to the training of any horse...

I think i am too nice sometimes in warmup. i have had someone canter into me and blame me before....rude cow


Well-Known Member
26 December 2009
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BUt if the warm up area was left to people who needed to warm up, then surely it wouldnt get so crowded, and dangerous?


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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BUt if the warm up area was left to people who needed to warm up, then surely it wouldnt get so crowded, and dangerous?

OP did say there's ample space and it seems it's the behaviour of some of the riders which make it dangerous.

It seems to me that if the OP wants to desensitize her horse and has a right to use the arena, there shouldn't be a problem. Provided of course it really isn't too crowded.


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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OP did say there's ample space and it seems it's the behaviour of some of the riders which make it dangerous.

It seems to me that if the OP wants to desensitize her horse and has a right to use the arena, there shouldn't be a problem. Provided of course it really isn't too crowded.

4/5 horses in a 60x40 arena....doesnt seem too crowded to me (that includes me, most the time there was 2/3 horses)


Well-Known Member
27 December 2010
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i think this is quite normal now :) although i understand where you're coming from i think in a warm up arena its a certain amount of each for their own and you just get on with it and its everyones own responsiblilty to be alert


Well-Known Member
27 December 2010
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Seeing as you where not competing you should not have been in the warm up, whether you livery there or not!!

i agree :L warm ups are never a particualy pleasant place but then i dont expect them to be as lots of people are in an often small arena trying to do the same thing and many people are flustered as they are at a competition and often this leads to the not think properly