Shocked at warmup etiquette


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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I think it is just indicative of rude, selfish behaviour everywhere, sadly :( I took The Current Appy to a dressage do last year, there was one woman who stood her horse on the outside track, chatting to her 'trainer' (loud mouth man who later 'helped' someone to load their horse by waving a snow shovel at it :eek:) She must have been in the warm up for over an hour, getting in the way for most of the time!


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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i agree :L warm ups are never a particualy pleasant place but then i dont expect them to be as lots of people are in an often small arena trying to do the same thing and many people are flustered as they are at a competition and often this leads to the not think properly

but they werent competing, it was a clinic :S this was merely the warm up arena.... i have every right and with permission from the yo and ym, its in my contract.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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Etiquette as you say..
Suggests that if there is a private arena (looks big enough for a basic school in vid..) you use it rather than being another user in the busy enough warmup? 60x 40 with 5 horses in jumping is actually busy enough.


Well-Known Member
28 January 2011
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I rode delicia today at our yard, there was a jumping clinic/show going on so the warmup (ample space) had two jumps in the centre of the school. I take Delicia into warm ups as it desensitises her and she behaves well (most of the time). I am used to dressage warm ups but my word! There were no words!

1) people trotting into the warmup when there are people literally crossing the path of the gate.
2) Using Delicia to stop :mad:
3) Jumping without warning others
4) Not passing left/left
5) stoppping dead on the outside track when i am cantering (least my cantre half passes are coming on ;) )
6) getting on a just tacked up horse and cantering almost immediately/jumping

I used to jump years ago and i remember when we used to yell 'jumping' if we were about to jump. I also found that parents (these were teenagers riding) would coming into the school and adjust the fences without asking others if it was ok first. or worse, bring their dogs into the school so they could cock-up their leg against the jump and pee on it....


I hate warming up for jumping - find it completely hazardous! A lot of what you've said up there is unfortunately true. But thought I'd just comment on a couple of things that might help...

Points 4 and 5 (passing left/left and outside track). I've always been taught that etiquette in a warm up ring for jumping works very differently to schooling etiquette. In this case, fastest horses go to the inside rein and walking etc. is down on the outside track - so although it's great for your half-passes (love that :p) if you are cantering you should be on an inside track. This is so you can turn into the jump without anyone coming up on your inside slowly and ruining your line/making you miss the turn/you having to cut them up. What gets me is the women who walk round with three or four horses abreast so they can gossip :mad::mad:

Point 6 - normally this grates on me... but things might have happened before the horse was tacked up. If I'm doing more than one class, I sometime untack between the two classes but keep her walking around. Then I'll tack back up and get straight into trot - usually not canter but I have done it once or twice when people in front of me have pulled out/been eliminated/etc. and it's getting closer to my round very quickly - she's already jumped and been kept walking, so I don't worry about her being too stiff. Certainly seems no ill effects during or afterwards. (Wonder if I'll be jumped on for this by anyone? Don't mean you OP, but I get worried about posting what I do with my horses as there's always someone waiting to shoot you down!).

Finally, I genuinely don't mean to sound rude but although it's good for your horse (and I understand that), by being in a warm up arena for an event in which you're not taking part, you're adding unnecessarily to the chaos by being yet another horse to avoid. As a livery, if you must ride in the warm up arena could you ride early or later, when it's likely to be quieter?


Well-Known Member
12 July 2009
Cheshire - I'm part of the Cheshire Set!
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Warm up areas surly are there for people to warm up in. So their horses are warmed up for the event/activity they are due to take part in. If you go in to his area just to do a bit of schooling then as a visitor to that event i think your being a bit rude and selfish.

They are in their trying to warm up their horses to jump and yes this should be done safely and with courtesy towards others but you wouldn't like it if you were taking part at a dressage clinic and one of the livery's came in and put jumps up because she can as it's in her contract she can use the school?!?

Unless your yard is holding clinics and shows every day then you can use the school at any other time, yes it's in your contract that you can use the school but these people have also paid to use the area to warm up...maybe you just wanted people to see you ride your horse?!!?

If there was a private school in which you could turn your horse out in to roll, could you have not ridden in there?

I understand you wanted to let you horse get experience of a warm up area and that's what you should have used this episode as...This is a warm up area, you and your horse experienced it and you (not your horse) didn't like it...experience should teach you maybe not to do it again?


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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I'm afraid it is you who has not understood the etiquette of a jumping warmup.

In a jumping warmup you walk and halt on the outside track. This means people can still access the jump - can you imagine the carnage if someone halted on the inside track when someone was trying to jump?!

I don't have a problem with non competitors using a warmup if there is enough space - but learn the rules before you rant about others being wrong!!


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
Funny farm
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Sounds manic!! I think the confusing part is where you say
yes but when there are 6 ponies galloping into fences and using the entire arena to turn/pull up in then where do i go?

That suggests its 6 ponies and Delicia making it 7 in the warm-up.

But then later

4/5 horses in a 60x40 arena....doesnt seem too crowded to me (that includes me, most the time there was 2/3 horses)

Think that's where everyone is getting confused hun! Glad Delicia was unbovvered though!!


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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Well it was billed as a clinic not a show. There is another clinic on today. I can only ride at weekends. So do I ride or not?


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12 March 2010
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How on earth is anyone supposed to get their horses used to busy warm ups if they can't ride their horse in them?
My horse is a total stress head and my trainer has suggested before I compete her take her to a few shows and just ride her in the warm up to get her used to things. I will of course ask the show organiser before I do this but I can't see any other way of desensitising her??

I hate jumping warm ups, the worst ones are the people that totally ignore te rules and go to jumps the wrong way or walk horses in hand in there or stop their horses in corners, drives me nuts :-( luckily we only do BS so they are usually chased pretty quickly


22 March 2009
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This is one of the problems I had with being at your yard D. Either riding school or comps or clinics in the schools all the time. And camp in the summer....zzzzz


21 June 2011
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At the yard I'm at we have two indoors and an outdoor arena to ride in, on show days we are allowed sole use of the outdoor as the indoors are used as warm up and competition ring, so competitors are not allowed in the outdoor which is clearly stated in the rules. We stay out of their way so they should stay out of ours. However, my pony bolts so when a competitor decided they could ride in the outdoor with us liveries they then gave me the evils when my pony suddenly bolted off after spooking himself and spooked their horse. A few weeks later my friend was riding her mare when a competitor came in to lunge their stallion, and had the cheek to say to her (she was already riding) 'you do know this is a stallion' presumingly asking her to leave as her mare was 'causing the stallion to play up'.
Although when there are clinics on, we're allowed to ride in whatever school (apart from the one with the clinic in) so I wouldn't say you were in the wrong if it was just a clinic. Although after warming up at our yard to do BS I choose to stay well clear especially when certain people think they need to 'wind their horse up to get it moving' I have nothing against people cantering round as long as they dont get so close we bash stirrup irons, but when they gallop round the school like complete idiots and crash into anything in their way then I have a problem. Okay rant over :D
I am a teenager but I can definitely say if anything I try and stay well clear of anyone else in the warm up even if it means just walking up and down outside on the tarmac (my pony has issues with others in the warm up i think he's possibly claustrophobic ;) desensitisng him to busy warm ups would probably have helped but as said above we are not allowed) I jump seniors as the grey thing has a stupidly long stride but in all the unaffiliated mixed shows I have been to children seem much worse although some adults can be just as bad :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
31 March 2008
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I'm afraid it is you who has not understood the etiquette of a jumping warmup.

In a jumping warmup you walk and halt on the outside track. This means people can still access the jump - can you imagine the carnage if someone halted on the inside track when someone was trying to jump?!

I don't have a problem with non competitors using a warmup if there is enough space - but learn the rules before you rant about others being wrong!!

^^this exactly. i always warm up on both reins when showjumping and sometimes get 'told off' by people with clearly no understanding of the rules! drives me potty!
however, people using the back of your horse as a brake is not acceptable. i think that if you YO/YM is happy for you to be in the 'warmup' then there is no problem with ou being there :)


Well-Known Member
10 July 2011
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LOL I did no such thing my dear :) I was half way through replying when it got pulled! You should not tell lies.. it is not a good trait! On what grounds would I have got it pulled for? .. do tell?

eta - You are so sick of me reporting your threads? Oh.. what other thread may that be

eta a second time - I have just contacted TFC as surely you making up lies about my 'reporting of threads' is slanderous to me.. ? We shall await his reply which I shall post here :)
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Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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LOL I did no such thing my dear :) I was half way through replying when it got pulled! You should not tell lies.. it is not a good trait! On what grounds would I have got it pulled for? .. do tell?

eta - You are so sick of me reporting your threads? Oh.. what other thread may that be

eta a second time - I have just contacted TFC as surely you making up lies about my 'reporting of threads' is slanderous to me.. ? We shall await his reply which I shall post here :)

*Yawns* go away


Well-Known Member
27 October 2008
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Generally I find the SJ warm up people more mannerly than the dressage people. Round here SJ warm up only goes in one direction so no chance of people jumping from both ends. Different venues work in different directions. Also there is no 'left to left' as we're all going the same way - red upright on right white on left. No one does lateral work & walk is on the outside track as those actually jumping or in a faster pace have the inside track. Dressage warm ups are a nightmare, some people who compete at 'higher' levels / work / stable at the venue seem to think basic dressage manners don't apply! to them


Well-Known Member
14 January 2011
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Sj warm ups aren't too bad really unless you get the 3 riders that like to discuss last night's eastenders while riding 3 abreast & no-one can do anything!!

All the points you stated are bug bearers of mine too, although no-one ever calls that they are jumping unless you get that one parent (yes it's junior bs I'm referring to) that hogs the jump for their child & can't possibly share! It's then said child that normally continues to hog jump after mummy has gone until it gets knocked then they quickly vacate the arena!