Shocking - Burghley and dogs


Well-Known Member
9 September 2005
Maidstone Kent
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There are a lot of responsible dog owners out there and I don't think they would be pleased being put in the same boat as the irresponsible owners.

A thought as to why some people take dogs to these events is that they may travel long distance to get there and the dog may not be able to keep it's legs crossed at home that long, with no one to let them out.

Don't think I agree with irresponsible dog owners, i do not.

I have the pleasure (well i'm told it's a pleasure) of looking after friends/family dogs when owners are on holiday. If I was thinking of going to one of these events, the dogs would have to come with me as I'd be out far too long for them. I would take water with me etc, as others do.

It's a shame that there are the small amount of irresponsible dog owners that spoil it for others.


Well-Known Member
5 June 2006
La la land
We had to rescue a poor old dog from a car in the car park at the Royal Lancs... it was during that period of record temperatures... easily 80+ degrees outside so god knows what it was in the car. We parked the row behind it at 11am and saw it then. We went straight to the secretaries office and reported it. Other people had beaten us to it and the number plate had already been read over the tanoy. We heard it being repeated over the tanoy a couple of times later on and assumed that whoever it was must have gone and rescued it....

BUT no... at 4.30pm when we walked back to the car the poor little creature was still there... windows open a crack, blanket over the back window for shade (like that makes any difference). The dog was in distress and whining. We called a parking offical over and he got the police over. They broke into the car and we let the dog out. Some other kind people walking back to their car got him some water and let him drink plus poured it over him. The owner - a woman - then reappeared and claimed the dog had only been in the car half an hour. Wrong. She then changed her tune and said she's been back to check it every half hour. Wrong again. And in any event it almost makes it worse if she'd been going back to it and repeatedly left it there to bake. She also complained that the dog was wet - yeah we were trying to cool it down you stupid ignorant woman.

We had to leave at that point because my friend was about to deck the stupid woman. We hoped the police would take action but I bet they warned her and did nothing else.

How anyone can still think leaving a dog in a car at events is anything but cruel boggles the mind.

Personally I never take my two. My Tibetan Terrier gets very excited when meeting new dogs and people and would be a pain and my dachshund pulls like a train. Plus they've got a dog flap into the garden at home so I never have to worry about they having to cross legs for ages.

I think if your dog is well behaved and it's not ridiculously hot like it was in the middle of the summer then its fine to take them. But when temperatures are in the high 80's/90's or you can't keep your dog quiet then the only place for them is at home.


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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A loose child was on the xc course at Badminton this year - people I went with saw it.

Horse was coming along along one of the longer, galloping stretches between fences - kid sees horse coming, goes under the fencing and onto course. Rider shouts DON'T MOVE and thankfully went around child. Parents on other side of course was like "oh never mind dear"


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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But even the responsible owners of dogs - I still do not feel dogs should ne anywhere near horse events. Im sorry, but some horses are NOT familiar with dogs (such as mine) so even seeing them running about (on a lead) can freak them out. Sure, they'll get used to it but why should they? TBH Id rather NOT have my young horses spooking at a dog when we're trying to compete.

Oh god, dont even get me started on small children who are allowed to run about on XC courses. The RC championships at Offchurch this year was shocking! At the first water fence, some bloody kids were jumping in and out of the river right beside where the horses went through, they were screaming and shouting while their parents seemed to be lying back getting a sun tan! One child decided to run to his friend right in front of a bloody horse approaching the fence out of the water! The girl who this happened to is on this forum actually. Afterwards, the parents didnt say much other than "stay over this side" to the brat.