Shoesecure for horse that pulls shoes constantly


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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great!! not my mare though. her feet are too poor condition after her neglected past.
Hooves are totally amazing and will heal fast. I was once at the stage of PTS 12 years ago after 2 years of "remedial farriery", a complete misnomer by the way, made things worse. I decided to go back to square one, took shoes off, gave him a break and nature took care of him.

All the hooves needed were a decent ration of the correct minerals (Not the pre-bagged farriers formula type) a correct rebalancing which is very difficult to do with shoes. After only 10months my boy was out competing xc again with no shoes at all on the hardest ground and we came 3rd in his first outing after all that.

It is completely possible. So many people say what you said and come back stronger after going bf/revisiting diet and staying shod.