Shopping help please :) B needs a new bed


Well-Known Member
17 March 2008
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So we have just got the keys to our sparkly new house :D:D And I have decided Bs bed is far too scruffy to go in it:eek: So I'm now on the hunt for a new one.

It doesnt need to be waterproof / wipe clean surface as long as I can bung the cushion in the wash occasionaly. She needs one with sides or she falls out...:rolleyes:

Her crate will be living in the kitchen and the new bed will live in the living room (for when humans want to use the sofa:rolleyes:)

I never thought I would say this.... but I'm sick to death of shopping. So I thought I would call on you lot to give me a hand:p

No light colours (I'm not daft;)) or fake fur types (She plucks them!) Oh and obviously I only need a diddy size because she is a midget.


Well-Known Member
14 May 2009
Washington USA
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I seriously saw the cutest bed in there a few months ago when i was back in England.

It was like a little donut bed with raised sides but it had this snuggly roof that went over the top. To bad i couldn't fit one in my suitcase for Abe!