Well-Known Member
Due to lockdown I turned my horse out for 6 months, and recently brought him back to work. He is short strided in the right hind limb. It is obvious in walk and trot, but not in trot all the time. By watching old videos I realised he might have been a bit short in walk before, but not in trot. He is very willing and playful, not showing signs of discomfort. I cannot get a chiropractor at the moment, but I can get a vet. He is not stepping under with that leg enough. Not bringing it under enough. Do you know what might have caused it? Like is it a fetlock and/or hoof or higher up? My trainer said I should ride and see if it gets better or worse. Any suggestions/ideas are helpful. So annoyed and sad and angry as I was looking forward to riding him after this whole thing.