Short yard boots suggestions


Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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Can I have your suggestions for short yard boots.
I used to keep my battered jodhpur boots and use them on the yard in summer…but I don’t wear jodhpur boots any more.
My Dublin Tilley’s don’t look like they will last much longer. They were ok, but I’m not running out to replace them like for like.
I like the look of these, but they are furry lined…no good for summer.
I like zip up boots, can’t be doing with handling wet muddy laces.
Don’t need to be leather but do need to resist water (not needing fully waterproof, but if I get splashed by the hose I don’t want a sopping wet foot)


Slave to a house cat, 4 yard cats and 2 ponies
2 November 2013
On the edge of the Cotswolds
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At the start of the winter I bought a pair of synthetic waterproof boots from Kramer. They last about 6 weeks before they began to leak. Very comfortable boots but useless given how much rain we have had so in desperation I looked at Mountain Horse and Shires for a replacement pair. I ended up getting the Mountain Horse Snowy River boots in the sale which are fantastic but they haven’t been near the yard as they are far too nice to wear in the mud. Back to the drawing board and I bought a pair of Eleonora Shires leather boots from Townfields as they were the cheapest I could find and they are brilliant. They haven’t leaked once, they are in deep mud twice daily and I walk the dogs in them as well. Highly recommend them but I don’t know if they do a zip up version.


Well-Known Member
17 February 2011
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I have a pair of shires moretta which are leather but they also do a synthetic version. I think I got them on eBay new for about £30. They were for my son who outgrew them in moments so I wore them for yard work and riding in summer - they’ve lasted about 4 years. Just about dying now…


Well-Known Member
29 May 2010
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Walking boots are great give good foot support and are waterproof. All the yard wear them now. Even muddy laces just wash down

Otherwise Redbacks last years.