Should I buy a Shetland?


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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I have been owned by a loan Shetland since June. She was abandoned on the side of the road and rescued by Redwings about 10 years ago and is now around 20. She is most definitely the boss of the geldings and I adore her. She is turned out 24/7, not muzzled and canters and trots everywhere - she loves eating but my grass is not at all rich and never fertilised in the 25 years I've been there and we're on clay. I had her checked over by my vet last week and he's very happy with her weight - I think because she goes everywhere at speed, she burns off a lot of energy. I put her in the school and she bombs around there as well and plays with the dogs in the fields. She really is the sweetest thing and very respectful of electric fencing.

I was really worried that a shetland would be a nightmare but it's the best thing I've ever done.