Well-Known Member
I was out hunting yesterday, (with the most boringest hunt possible - left and went for a hack with my friend instead!) and there were two horses that were kicking. Well one was a very small, very scruffy pony with a (est. 11 year old) boy on top, and the pony was a nightmare - he kept cantering up near the front and the little pony kept cow kicking/bucking out and almost caught my pony at one point. He didn't have any tape on, and was not warning anyone or making any attempt to be careful of the others - obviously he was young but you would have thought someone would have told him to go near the back or put some tape in etc. Another was a elder lady, and yes she had green tape in, but she was getting very angry whenever anyone got to close to her even if we were cantering around the edge of a field, fair enough we should be able to control our horses enough to give her space but it just made life very difficult with my pony as she was being an absolute tank and couldn't canter as slowly as the said horse infront. Now with the lady, I respect she was good in warning us and was right to get snappy as it saved any injurys and that she needs to teach her horse, but the boy I was rather suprised nobody had told him not too.
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