Show on Sunday. Helppp?


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
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Im taking comet to his first show on sunday, and as he's never been out wanted to keep it really calm and simple.
So i decided i'd do a little round of 2ft jumping.
then last night i was jumping in the padock and it suddenly clicked that he jumps lots better when they are bigger i did gridwork and the first jump was a 2ft X pole and the 2nd was about 2tf 6.
He just basicly pretended the first jump wasnt there.
So now im thinking do i enter him in a bigger class? the biggest i've jumped him(in the month i've had him) is about 2ft 6 because he's taken quite a while to settle in the jumping padock.
There isnt a 2ft 3 class
so i either have to do the 2ft or the 2ft 6.
Or i could just do the clear round minimus thing :S

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
13 February 2008
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There is a big difference clearing one 2'6" jump at home to doing a course of 10 of them at a show, which will include a double and spreads and fillers. And remember, they will probably go up in height for the jump off. If you are confident to do this, then go for it.

If you are not totally and utterly happy doing this, then as it's your horses's first time out you could start little and see how he goes. if it goes great, you will probably be able to enter him in the next class on the day and do the 2'6" as well.

I always try to jump bigger at home than the class I'm doing, so the jumps don't look big and scary at the show (they always look bigger), i.e,. I make sure i'm jumping 3' at home if I have entered 2'9"


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
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I have done 2ft 6 before i didnt just do it yesterday it was just yesterday i realised he jumps it better than smaller stuff.
I've been to this show before, with other horses and they tend to measure up quite small, i did the 2ft9 2 years ago and found it really quite small.
Im confident to jump him over whatever because he's the most honest horse i've ever had, and LOVES jumping


Well-Known Member
28 February 2008
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If its your first time out jumping him then I'd personally go for the 2ft, because you know you can both do it, you can look forward to it without any umms and rrrr's and it will be a great confidence building block and job well done kinda thing for his first competition.

Just because a horse can jump alot bigger doesnt mean you have to, specially at his first SJ comp, then if you feel that it was a doddle, he's fit to seems happy to do another class you can then have a bash at the practice jumps and have a go, but I think is best to work up through the ranks.

Yes if you had the choice of doing the middle class (which isnt there) then that would be a more definate yes.

Just go with the flo on the day, see how you both feel, remember its always good to leave things on a good note, a simple mistake, fall can set you back a bit, and you dont want to be doing this when its his first time out, just my view

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
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Thanks, its not that he CAN jump bigger though its more that he CANT really jump smaller, he seems to just be abit like for god sakeee this is boringg.
Also just looked at the schedule and 2ft is first class and i think he'll take a while to settle once we've got there so if i did 2ft i'd have to be there for about 8.
I think maybe i should just go for 2ft, better to be safe than sorry



Well-Known Member
11 August 2008
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Looking at the photo you need to be doing the 4 ft 6 not the 2 ft 6!! haha. He looks lovely.
The only thing I would say is that sometimes when the fences are really small they don't respect them, they get strong, don't jump properly and aren't careful...and then neither of you learn anything.
On the other hand, a show is a very different atmosphere and i think it would probably be good to do both classes - I'm always loads better in the 2nd class. So perhaps do both and just treat the 2 foot as the warm up??


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
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Haa, thanks
i think i might just go for it see how he goes in the 2ft then maybe ebter the 2ft 6 after because theres a class between the 2 so i'd have some time to think about it

