
Hormonal Filly

Well-Known Member
24 April 2013
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Attended a local show a couple of weeks ago and forgot to post, but boss is out and thought it was worthwhile!

They had a sporting/working dog class which was based on condition, fitness etc. The judge was suppose to know her stuff apparently and not just be ‘anyone’

I decided to enter my little working Cocker for fun. Hes a sweet chap, an ideal weight, excellent coat and hes rather fit. There was also quite a few other dogs in the class. Lots of very weight ones (who had never worked a day in their life clearly) but 3 stood out and deserved to win in my eyes. One gorgeous fit, healthy Labrador. A stunning English pointer and a springer spaniel which was a picture of health.

The judge looked at my spaniel and said what a lovely coat, ideal weight and good muscle tone he had. As well as good teeth. I wasn't expecting to win, there were a few other dogs which looked perfect in my eyes depending on her taste. I couldn't stop admiring the Pointer, nice to see one so fit and well behaved.

To mine (and everyone else’s) amazement. First place the judge chose an overweight retriever, with an awfully knotted coat. Second was a lovely whippet (well deserved!) and third was a obese terrier!

It just made me realize, this is why I do not do horse showing, or dog showing! LOL.

It’s all down to the judge’s opinion I understand.. but surely, placing dogs which are clearly overweight in a sporting/working class isn’t right? What do you think?


Well-Known Member
13 April 2013
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Apparently, if it is a fun dog show the brief is to give the rosettes to those they think will appreciate them the most, particularly the children, elderly and infirm! I was told this by my neighbour after her very expensive working dog was out of the rosettes in sporting type and my scruffy (but far from overweight) working terrier had just won the terrier class! So perhaps you should take it as a compliment, they could obviously see you were not 'in need'!


Justified & Ancient
15 January 2008
Mu Mu Land
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A fun show at a local/agricultural event is a bit different to an actual dog show in fairness, as Rokele says it's normally just playing to the gallery, it's not an official endorsement. Pedigree breeds each have an official FCI standard of umpteen pages long, which judges have to abide by, opinion sometimes creeps in, but it's not supposed to ;)
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Well-Known Member
18 November 2011
miles from anywhere
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Years ago, I accompanied an elderly friend to a local `fun` dog show. She had a chihuahua and was very proud of him, convinced the judge would at the very least place him. He was quite a nice little dog, rather yappy but ok. I entered my sweet-natured but ugly rescue pug for fun and to keep her company in the ring. Pug won third prize (in a field of about 25) and poor chihuahua wasn`t even given a look! I don`t think the owner spoke to me for a while afterwards.


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23 July 2018
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Argh this makes me laugh and cringe in equal measures. Just like local horse shows

I once entered my fit cocker spaniel in a working dog class at a fun show. I was using our visit to the show as a training session really and practiced on keeping his attention, standing him up and sitting him down at different times during the day with lots of praise. The judge have us a 3rd place and said that I needed to feed him up and a bit, that i needed to ease up a little on the dog and let him enjoy himself :rolleyes::) and that he might be a working dog but it doesn't need to work all of the time.

I was really surprised at her comments and had a good giggle to myself. At last mine wasn't the one jumping up at the judge and dragging his owner around the ring.


9 July 2012
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I’ve judged a fun dog show... and they are far from fun 😂

I have a good eye for a well constructed good moving dog.... but no, you aren’t meant to put those up!

You are supposed to put up any child handler, anyone with a cute fluffy designer crossbreed or anyone who hasn’t already won a rosette even though they’ve been in every class of the day......

It was quite a giggle really despite all that 😄