Showing 2 year old Welsh d for first time tips


28 October 2020
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I have a 2 year old Welsh d that I would love to show in hand, I have never done any showing and I am after any tips on what to do in the show ring and how we should both be presented, he is currently completely natural never had any trimming anywhere. also I am worried how he will behave seeing other horses as all he is used to are my 2 minis he lives with and tips on what to do if he misbehaved in the ring
Many thanks


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Although Ds are supposed to be natural they are normally trimmed a bit for showing. Have a look at some photos to see what people do. Mane is not overly long, tail reasonably short and sort of trimmed to a natural looking V shape. You can use a in hand bridle or a white halter if you are brave! He will probably get a bit over excited at the show but just be calm and walk round before your class to get him used to it.
Practice before the show, leading walking and trotting up in hand.
You normally have to do a little show for the judge. Walk away in a straight line, trot towards and past the judge. Depends on the show really. A small local show would be best place to start. Good Luck.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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Practice turning right when you are running with him at a trot so you can get round the corners of the ring and not end up in the ropes like I have ?

Nothing is stopping you just going to a local show without entering anything if you want, so you can just get experience and see how he behaves. If he does misbehave in the ring it isn't the end of the world, they'll have seen worse.

cauda equina

Well-Known Member
2 February 2014
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Maybe for his first show or two, turn up but don't enter any classes
Just have a mooch around and let him get used to being out without putting any competitive pressure on yourselves