Showing debut! Abingdon show report! :) Abit long but positive!


Well-Known Member
22 June 2008
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Well Abingdon horse show was mine and my horse, Oinks, first ever showing show. Our showjumping isn't really coming together atm so thought we'd try something different! Well i was very nervous as we had the dentist out of tues, who told me not to ride my horse in a pelham as it was causing him discomfort, so since then we've been trying to find a suitable bit!

First class was the Riding horse, which i rode in a french link, he was extremlllyyy naughty when riding round as a group but mostly when the judges had there back to us! I appologised to the jugde (Louise Bell) when i went over for my individual show and shortly explained about his current bit problem and a little bit about my crazy TB! She was very nice and told me just to enjoy myself! So i did and he did a lovley show which she praised us on! I then had to whip his tack off and trot him up for Robert Bell, which i was not expecting to have to do as i've never done a showing class before!! That was all fine, he behaved well. Then we were all pulled in and we were 3rd!! Louise said how nice his individual show was and i was chuffed! I think Robert liked us as we had a laugh about how me and Oinks are both 18 lol! They were both lovely!

I was now nervous about my Novice WH class as wasn't sure what bit to ride him in but decided on his old three ring dutch gag. The format for this class was abit different and we went in and did a small show, which again he did really well, i was especially pleased as we were asked to walk away then trot back and as i passed Louise she said lovely, very quietly, so i don't know whether she was talking to me or Robert and the steward, but this put a smile on my face and we carried on. We then went straight on to jump and we went clear, one of only 3! I was especially pleased with his clear as our jumping hasn't been so good lately! Much to my suprise he came 3rd again!

Sorry it's long and very bias but it's our first ever showing show and some of the people in the line with me were much older and had nice horses, sometimes they looked at me abit disaprovingly as Oink wouldn't stand still in the line up, but oh well!! I was also pleased as my friend who comes with me with her horse to most shows said it was the best she'd ever seen me ride

So now hopefully were off to the Chiltern and Thames rider champs in Sept if the first two riders are either not members or already qualified, fingers crossed!