Side saddle - some questions (and where to try in Bucks?)


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16 May 2007
South Buckinghamshire
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I am interested in giving this a go as I currently have problems with my pelvis that make riding astride uncomfortable (have physio advice etc). My comfortable range of movement would allow side saddle easily, and I can ride astride for short periods of time, so getting on would be ok. I have a very sweet, sensible horse with the required high withers who could take one, and would be looking to hire a saddle for a year or so, then see how things are after that.

So - the idea sounds good in theory - but how do I find somewhere to try it? How do I find a saddle to hire and an instructor who can help my horse and I adjust? Can I compete in normal dressage tests side saddle? I'm going nuts with the prospect of only being able to ride for 10 min or so for the foreseeable future, and need to find a solution!!!


Well-Known Member
2 November 2013
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Contact the side saddle association and they will tell you which area you are in and how to start etc. Good luck!

Ps it's very addictive and not cheap if you want to buy your own stuff. Hiring a saddle is £200-250 for a year


Well-Known Member
4 September 2013
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Hi MystiandSunny

I can thoroughly recommend Becca Holland for sidesaddle teaching. She has recently set up on her own (after many years teaching whilst working for English Heritage in their display teams etc). Her website is and she is based in Olney so local to you as well.

She will bring saddles, and teaches both horse and rider....

Hope this helps.


olivia x

Well-Known Member
29 December 2013
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Oh, how exciting. I think sidesaddle riding looks so elegant. Keep us posted on what happens! I had a friend who rode sidesaddle and I had a go a few times at it-- it was a lot of fun, but certainly a different way of riding than astride.


Well-Known Member
16 November 2007
South Yorkshire
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Roger Philpott at Pittern Hill Stables to begin with.

He will introduce you to side saddle riding on one of his horses and can then help you find a saddle to suit and may be able to put you in touch with a more local instructor once you are sorted with a saddle.


Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
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there is a lady in cornwall who hires side saddle Liz Turner - she used to trravel up and down the country a couple of times a year fitting them and then you can hire -she sometimes sells them as well.
Robert Jenkins sold me mine and also fitted it - he used to make them as well not sure if he still does.
For pottering about normal gear is ok, but if you get hooked you will need a side saddle habit and all the right gear - warning it is very expensive!!
I have done a large number of normal test side saddle -probably polite to ask if its ok first though.
Think the first competition I did I didn't even wear my apron - I was getting that fraught with everything I gave up with it!!
Make sure you think carefully before you comit to hiring/ bying things as the equitation judges are very strict about what they like to see - so know what it is you want to do first.