Well-Known Member
Hi Pads im back like a bad penny!!!
Bloody crisp fifty quid note more like!!!
Still grinning and like Alec says please promise to be a little bit better behaved we don't want to loose you again!
Hi Pads im back like a bad penny!!!
Ets, off topic, but how are you faring with the new camera? I for one, would like to se the results, please!! a.
Curious to know Jenhunt if your boy with "the goggles" has appaloosa in his breeding??
I doubt it EK... he's about as ID as they come without a IDHS passport!
The vitiligo started about 4 years ago, I've had him 6 and if his passport is to be believed he'll be 17 this year. It changes with his coat most times, seems to have gone a little last time, though he's got some more pigment changes coming on around his chin now!
How interesting! Do you now call him in Jackson??
Padswere you talking to me, if so who is Ron?