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My mare had yesterday her drains removed following her week long sinus flushing. Vet happy with normal mucus in final flush. When it came to the removal of pipe she was obviously left with the hole. Vet was unable to staple this hole closed due to the skull having hardly any flesh there, so she has what I can only describe as being left with a blow hole like a whale! She has put a big plaster on and I have put her fly mask on. She is outside in an electric fenced controlled patch of grass to avoid any rubbing as advised.
I suppose my question is is she OK with this hole, will it heal itself over and how long? She is currently on 10 days antibiotics and has to go back to remove the other staples in 10 days
Thank you
I suppose my question is is she OK with this hole, will it heal itself over and how long? She is currently on 10 days antibiotics and has to go back to remove the other staples in 10 days
Thank you