Sit/Seat bone problem (that apparently isn't a thing!)


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3 April 2008
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Does anyone know what I'm talking about here!?

For years I've had pain/achiness, generally been not quite right in my left hip/pelvis, not really sure. I've had it looked at so many times. I apparently have a good range of movement in the actual joint, however I'm always told to relax it but can't. I can feel its holding on but its not something I seem to have control over.
I've had 2 MRI's (over the years) neither showed anything much, both concentrated on the hip- I'm now thinking its maybe not the hip joint that's hurting, or at least that its secondary.
I've had lots of physio and seen various people about it all.
I feel like i have a strong sit bone on the left but nothing much on the right, If i corner in the car for example I have to tense my glutes or I'd tip over. I feel very unstable with weight on the right.
Reading a biomechanics thing about finding sit bones, they say to sit on a hard surface and put weight on one then the other. Left fine, right it feels like something slides over it and it collapses, unless i tense and hold myself up. This of course isn't great for riding and i swear the only reason I have fallen off in the past 10 years has been due to this. I think I instinctively tighten because i know it wont support me if anything happens.
Its constantly aching (because the muscles never relax?) Im 99% of the time uncomfortable in that area.

Now, I'm told that the sit bone is bone, It cant give way and Its just not possible. So what am i feeling?! If i sit on my hands Its really obvious, In fact not only can i feel it but I've just done it sat on the coffee table and i can hear it clunk.

Any Ideas because It's driving me insane and really holding me back.


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3 April 2008
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Could it be anything to do with a rather too mobile sacro-iliac joint.....that would produce the clunk, and all the associated muscles (eg psoas) can make it feel like hip pain?

A really good physio/osteo might be able to help?
No idea, I’m constantly tight and stiff but as I’m discovering that can be from trying to hold something still, even sub consciously. My lower back is really tight.


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6 March 2011
Deterioration of the lower spine can put pressure on the nerves that run beteen the vertebrae, and you then get referred pain to the hip or even to the knee. I know that I have very loose joints (easy childbirth). I had a bad lower back and was advised not to ride but when I started riding I found that riding improved my lower back, I suspect my abs were supporting me better in the saddle than when I was standing on the ground.


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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I'm surprised a Physiotherapist hasn't been able to help. That would be my first stop. I have a clunk over the front of my hip which physio has given stabilising/strengthening exercises for psoas and glute med. We also do bit of massage, diaphragmatic breathing, stretches, mobilising etc. First massage I had she worked on my back and I had sharp pain in a glute, referred pain apparently. Bodies/brains are weird!

I wonder if any of the Franklin ball stuff would help? I think the balls are fairly squishy so shouldn't hurt, although I would only do it with the guidance of an appropriately qualified person.


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5 May 2010
New Forest
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Talk to a sport physiotherapist. The one I went to tested me for speed of reaction in various muscles and we found out that the muscles on my very often achy weaker left side respond much more slowly to stimulation than the ones on my right side. I would expect this kind of knowledge of biomechanics to perhaps shed some light on what is going on with you?


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15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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I had a spell when I couldn't seem to use my left seat bone and my pelvis was slightly rotated to the left. Physio found I had a spasm in one of the glute muscles on the left, did a release and gave me some exercises to do. I was so much straighter in the saddle and found I had the use of my seat bone back again.


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10 November 2011
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So I’ve always had really tight hips, especially my right, it always clamped my leg on no matter how much I stretched it. I also had an immobile back and just general stiffness (people joked i was like a plank of wood)

I had tried yoga which didn’t help and actually made things hurt more, then I discovered an online pilates class aimed at riders, which works on releasing the incorrect muscles, she then starts working the correct muscles. I’m not joking when I say it has transformed my posture and my hips, especially the right, are now even.

She releases courses every couple of months and they’re very reasonable and only 30 minutes long so you can squeeze them in easily



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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Could it actually be an SI problem? Or a coccyx problem? Do you feel any movement or pain in your coccyx when it happens?

My back is currently your gift that keeps on giving. I’m week 3 into a 5 week Osteo course on the NHS before they decide what the next step is. My lumbar spine has now locked to such an extent that the Osteo can no longer release either side. She said she’s getting a ‘bounce’ back with a power she’s never experienced before (I couldn’t decide whether I was meant to feel proud of that 😂)


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5 May 2010
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My mctimmony chiro says my pelvis tips up on the left, meaning I'm lower on the right, that side always feels tense and like something is having to hold on in order to hold it together, I can definitely feel my seat bone on my right, almost feels like it is protruding out of my skin. Is 100 times better after a treatment though x


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15 January 2022
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I think as riders we all 'fight' some kind of asymmetry . I find it easier balancing on my left seat bone, in the same way its easier by far to write with my right hand than my left.

Someone above suggested Franklin balls which is a great idea. When I tried them I had to sit evenly or the right one would drop out on the floor and I would have to stop, get off, and put it back under my arse!

Non-horseworld things that don't help natural in-built asymmetry or bodily preferences that end up stiffnesses. Desk work; the design of some cars/utes, so when your right foot is on the accelerator that seat bone lifts up, doesn't get as much 'practice' handling the weight of your torso.

I do yoga, or did, pigeon pose is the one for hip joints/psoas. But if it hasn't help, and the Pilates does, just remember to do double the work on the stiff side, [but don't start with it, as that will upset you].

Good to visualise [took a while to find] is the biomechanics trainer who puts the skeleton in the saddle. 1710060264134.jpeg

And then theres a video version of skeleton pelvis in saddle.

Also balance is not all the back 'sit' bones, its front pelvic bone too, since the balanced seat is a 'three point' seat, so you some weight at the front point of the 'triangle' coming down from lower abs through pubic bone, to avoid that awful backwards leaning 'driving seat' you sometimes see where the horse must feel its got two prongs going into its back.

I have a Wanless trained coach, and once she got me 'down the front base more' my horse could lift his back and really step under because he room. But hey its not easy.

I'm Dun

Well-Known Member
20 May 2021
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Could it actually be an SI problem? Or a coccyx problem? Do you feel any movement or pain in your coccyx when it happens?

My back is currently your gift that keeps on giving. I’m week 3 into a 5 week Osteo course on the NHS before they decide what the next step is. My lumbar spine has now locked to such an extent that the Osteo can no longer release either side. She said she’s getting a ‘bounce’ back with a power she’s never experienced before (I couldn’t decide whether I was meant to feel proud of that 😂)
I had this and had to have a lot of really intensive sports therapy massage before the osteo could get anything to stick. I was locked up with muscles like concrete and they just bounced back to where they wanted to be.


Well-Known Member
10 February 2008
The Hills
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It sounds like you maybe hypermobile along side the issue of our pelvis maybe being out of alignment. I would see a mctimoney chiropractor, they will be able to give you more insight in to whats going on.

Currently having SI joint issues myself so can empathize 😣