Skinned pads - treatment and prevention


Well-Known Member
9 March 2011
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Hi all!

Hoping for some advice, though I think it'll just be a case of restricted exercise on soft surfaces and then controlled exercise on rougher surfaces to toughen her feet up a bit (unless I'm wrong about that!).

Z has been quite quiet and steady today, did check her over (hind legs and hips especially) for any heat/swelling/tenderness as she's had a much more active few days than usual. Couldn't find anything but then checked her pads after seeing her favouring a leg. She's skinned the central pad in the same place on both back feet, no bleeding but they are definitely tender, one more so than the other.

For the moment I've put some balm on them and will keep with that to hopefully help them heal a bit quicker. Is there anything else I can/should do? Would wrapping them help? Not sure how tolerant she'd be of that!

I think she did it haring around the yard with her bff yesterday :rolleyes:

I'm assuming that paws will build calluses over time as long as we don't cause too much damage! Would like to do some longer walks/hikes with her and am not sure I want to go down the route of boots for her. I will if it's the best option but worry about dirt and debris getting into them and rubbing.


Well-Known Member
6 December 2004
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Easy ways to support good feet - supplement with 1g biotin daily (Onychotin or other brand) and use Gold Label Pad Hardner. If you need boots opt for ones specifially for dryland mushing sports such as Non Stop boots, they are designed for trail running.


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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This has been a big problem for my young female.

Biotin was recommended to me on here and really helped. Plus two of her three daily walks on a short line so no skidding about (early evening walk is mostly grass and on a Flexi so she can arse about).
I bought the paw hardener as recommended by Druid but never used it as the biotin did the trick. Also, it smells of nights out in the 90s 🤣

For healing I just rested, rinsed/wiped with something like Botanica (I've been through a few brands of antiseptic/sprays) dry and then apply wound powder.