Sleep well crazy Maisie

Peregrine Falcon

Sunshine and warmer weather welcomed
1 July 2008
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The old girl was breathing rapidly when I got home this evening. Her lady friend said she'd been asleep most of the day and returned her. One look and I knew.

She came into our lives in 2004 as an approximately 12-18month old. We had 2 tabby brothers who treated the house like a hotel, I wanted a cat to sit on my lap!! Husband made me a rash promise that if his beloved football team stayed in the Premership after being bottom at xmas then I could have another cat. He thought he was onto a winner as no team had ever survived before.

Ha, he was wrong.? I was working the day the final matches were being played. I had the radio on and a list of what results I needed in order to get my wish. 2 minutes afterwards I was on the phone to the Cats Protection. Maisie arrived the following week. Originally called Sophie, we changed her name to fit in with the 'M' theme we had going.

She would dash out of the house and run straight up the huge fir tree we had outside the front door-hence she got christened Crazy Maisie. She slept on the bed but never in it. When I fell pregnant she knew and came and curled up by my belly very early on under the duvet.

A string of mice and birds were captured, tortured, mostly killed but occasionally a live one bought in for us. We used to speak to each other. She used to like coming and sitting with you in the garden.

She's left her pawprints on our hearts. Xx


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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20 years is a great life for a cat in age PF and it sounds as if she had a great life all round, too. I'm sorry you've lost her.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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I'm so sorry for your loss. Crazy Maisie led a charmed life with you and you gave her an easeful death. Would that all cats had the same.

Bionic Boy

Well-Known Member
17 February 2012
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So sorry for your loss. It sounds like you had the most amazing relationship and both your lives were richer for having each other.