Slightly swollen pastern and heat in hoof wall, sole and pastern, but not lame?


Well-Known Member
25 February 2018
West Lothian, Scotland
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I'm baffled and a bit worried.

Noticed when picking out Einar's feet on Monday that his NF hoof was slightly warm compared to the other 3 hooves which were cold. On examination there was also slight heat in the sole of the hoof and in the pastern itself. The pastern is very slightly swollen (not immediately obvious visually but feels marginally 'thicker' compared to the other leg). There is no digital pulse (none in the affected leg or the other 3)

The odd thing is he is not remotely lame. On concrete and in the school he is fine - striding normally, no nodding or shortening of stride. He's weight bearing normally, not weight shifting, or pointing the hoof.

He's not in ridden work just now (rehabbing from a back issue) but does loads of inhand, lunge and polework, and is turned out everyday (in over night).

He had laminitis 5 years ago so I'm always on alert (and he's managed as a laminitic) but this doesn't seem to fit the picture of that. I've scrubbed the leg with hibiscrub incase of any small skin breaks or damage (though nothing is apparent), and he has a bute the first day we noticed this, which hasn't reduced the swelling or heat. I'm going to hot-tub tonight, although I'd have thought he'd be lame if he were brewing an abscess?

Has anyone experienced anything sim7kar, or got any suggestions?
