Thank you Volatis we stand Daydream for Lostock Stud, he is pretty gorgeous with a fab temperament and superb movement. If you are looking for smaller then Lodstock Stud stand Acado, who also has a super temperament good movement is homozygous and about 14hh, please feel free to contact me, my website is in my profile page.
I would also second Acado and Daydream. I believe there is also a buckskin tobiano stallion standing at Centyfield as well who is, I believe, related to Acado (same sire) and also homozyous.
Thank you Palomino Mare heres a photo of "Dorothy" - Bathleyhills Dream In Colour by Acado, unfortunately I havent got any "Daydream" foals on the ground they will be next years crop
Hi thankyou everyone - I'll look them up! In a nutshell looking for a coloured stallion around 14hh - not a chunky type, with a great front and a super dooper person as both maiden ladies(haven't quite decided which) I may put to foal are sweeties.