Snuggy Jams for poo-stained horse - your experiences please!


Well-Known Member
15 January 2009
Hants or Herts
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My grey horse has taken it upon himself to use his poo as a pillow...every day he has huge stains on his bum, tummy, neck, and sometimes face. He's wearing a lined sheet at night, and manages to get stains underneath it some nights! He's stabled on straw at night, out in the day, not actually too messy to muck out, and doesn't poo excessively. He is also very laid back and lies down a lot to sleep ;) despite being fit and well.
Obviously it's just too mild to rug him up to the eyeballs at the moment, and he is also very good about being washed on a daily basis, but thinking towards the winter, has anyone used the Snuggy Hoods fleece or lycra rug and hood combos, or does anyone have any other way of keeping their grey horses clean! Thank you!