Well-Known Member
Have been doing some unaff ODEs this summer with good success. Top 5 each outing. The thing is I'm not convinced I'm ready to affiliate yet.
Boris is a jumping horse so no prob with heights and we have done open xc so he has seen enough water, etc BUT our dressage is a tad erratic. Best score has been 37 and worst 48. Instructor has said that I need to school more often (which I don't really go in for
). I know that we are ready to 'have a go' but I am one of those horribly competitive people and i'd have to be capable of a top ten finish before forking out a lot of money for entries, tickets and petrol (nearest one is 100miles away).
So what do all you eventing peeps think. Carry on with ODEs - I've still got to step up to open level (3'6") with them, or have a crack at BE next year.
Boris is a jumping horse so no prob with heights and we have done open xc so he has seen enough water, etc BUT our dressage is a tad erratic. Best score has been 37 and worst 48. Instructor has said that I need to school more often (which I don't really go in for

So what do all you eventing peeps think. Carry on with ODEs - I've still got to step up to open level (3'6") with them, or have a crack at BE next year.
