Well-Known Member
So who retrieves the GSD's toys? Human or GSD? My Grippet could make the most evil, threatening, tear-your-head-off-your-shoulders faces, together with "You'll Be Sorry . . ." postures if anyone tried to remove her toys from her basket if she was in it.The GSD greets with a toy in the morning, while singing a song. She also will come into the room with "treasure" and thrust it in your face, if she thinks that it is time for some dog interaction. Her treasure is often something dirty hoiked out of the laundry basket, or a bit of paper wafted off the table by her not inconsiderable tail draft.
The greyound never greets or brings toys but he will collect the GSD's toys up into a pile on his bed.
Meanwhile, GSD was perfectly obedient to "leave it/drop it/away". Certainly not going to risk mixing it with Her Majesty The Grippet. Grippet screams, rolling on the floor, dramatic limping, shivering, hiding would result. Grippets Rule! Even the swaggering Burmese knew to make himself scarce.