So, who trims/plaits/clips their own horses?


Well-Known Member
26 September 2009
Mortimer Berkshire
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My OH clips Caffrey for me, here was his last one




Well-Known Member
6 February 2010
South Yorkshire
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Ah so it is the norm then! My parents are un-horsey and everything I do to do with pulling etc I taught myself, practice is the key! Although it does take me a while to plait up :rolleyes: Admittedly 10 out 18 liveries are teenagers(including me) and none of the adults really do anything, and I seem to be the only one on the yard to have the desire to go out, look smart and do well. Most of them have had ponies since they were younger and don't seem bothered, or don't realise how lucky they are! I think they find it much easier to ask me rather than get their head down and learn how to do it themselves!
Admittedly I do pay someone to clip Red but am a bit of a perfectionist so would rather it look fab than do it myself and look poo :p
Very interesting...maybe I should tell them to pay up or bu**ger off ;)


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22 August 2010
Aberdeen/ North Wales
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I do all of them!!!

And when you end up doing the entire yard, I used to be on a yard like that, and it was pretty much expected that I plait and pull some of their horses- so I started charging!!!

They paid as well!!


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
South Lincs
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Yep do everything for my horse as too expensive otherwise!! Started trimming clipping etc when I was about 12. Used to clip, trim other peoples as well but can't be bothered with that now so just do my boy.


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16 February 2007
By the seaside
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Having a native of some sort means no trimming (not that his mane grows!!), I regularly trim his tail though. I know how to plait with bands and thread (although this way I am not so good), and I can clip, but I can do my own by myself as hes nervous (previously ear twitched) so usually I have to hold and someone else clips.


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13 October 2009
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Do all myself with the exception that I will collar a friend to help with the mane pulling as my boy needs twitching so its a 2 man job - basically she will pull a lot quicker than me but I can do it. Having always evented and dressaged I have had to plait so can do it quickly but quite liking going BSJA as don't need to!. Have to say, lower levels of BSJA are not nearly as smartly turned out as other disciplines I have taken part in but its quite nice to be able to go somewhere, compete and get home in a relatively short period of time!


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11 January 2006
Worcs/Shrops border
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I can pull an 'easy' mane and shorten, can trim and clip but just can't get my head around plaiting? Hence me seriously considering to hog my horse though my friends think I'm mad but then it's putting me off competing the thought of attempting to plait..

I've had numerous people try to show me but I end up with big horrible golf balls that fall out and don't even ask me to go anywhere near a horse with a needle and thread..

I've never been able to plait my own hair plus nearest I get to sewing is putting a button back on, blame my short stubby fingers and lack of patience :D

I really do envy who can turn out to a high standard.

Keep Trying

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3 May 2010
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I do all of it - I only thought about getting someone in to clip because I didn't own clippers but I bought my own in the end :) With people round here asking for £20 a time for plaiting and £40 per clip its much cheaper to learn to DIY lol.

£20 a time for plaiting:eek:...blimey, I'm in the wrong job!!!!:D


Well-Known Member
18 July 2006
The Brompton Road
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I clip, plait, pull and trim all my horses - theres no-one else to do it! I do Working and Ridden Hunter sometimes so I need to be able to do it to show standard. I've tried several times to get someone in to be a show groom for me on a freelance basis for a couple of particularly large shows but theres just no-one about. The only freelance grooms around here seem unable to plait! Also theres no-one at my yard who can plait or pull either and they wouldn't have a clue about trimming fetlock hair.

I don't work with horses - I have a professional career and tbh I'm pretty shocked and surprised that so many people choosing a career with horses don't have these skills, or bother to learn them.
29 July 2005
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I can do all three. One of my boys is very sensitive and doesn't like being clipped/trimmed/having his mane pulled. I find he is worse if somebody does it who he doesn't know and he is better when I do it. I can now solo comb his mane and trim his feathers without having to tie him up because he trusts me. I can plait up and clip too but haven't had much practise so I'm not the neatest but I can do it.

I am also one of the only people on my yard who does their horse themselves!


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11 June 2010
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I hardly ever have the need to plait my boys, but I love clipping! Well, having said that I haven't tried it on my smaller boy as I've only had him since May. My late friend (his prior owner) used to say that he wasn't the most patient of chaps and he used to need sedating, so I might change my mind when it comes to doing him! My big fellow is a dream to clip, and it's therapeutic for him and for me! He gets very woolly and I clipped him fully (apart from his legs and face) 4 times last year, so it's just as well!

I trim them both too, although I love my big boy's feathers and leave them alone, much to the irritation of all around me who think I should do away with them altogether. No way!!
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Well-Known Member
20 May 2010
Its shrouded in mystery.
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Yep I do all of my trimming (Only have a forelock and tail to plait as my boy is hogged) and clipping. We paid a man to come and clip Sketch the first Winter we had him and I'd never do it again. There were lines and patches left all over. It looked awful and he charged over the odds for it. Its worth having your own clippers if your horse is hogged anyway as this will save you a fortune. My Mum taught me how to clip when I was about 10/11 y/o anyway. Its a lot more cost effective to learn how to trim, plait and clip yourself as opposed to just paying someone else to do it, particularly if you compete regularly.

I was taught plaiting and trimming and all the other turnout techniques from the age of 5 in PC anyway so its silly not to put them into practice. I find it satisfying to see how smart my pony looks at the end and know its all my own work. Its also nice when judges comment on turnout too! :D