Situation normal
What happened to Buyer Beware ? Horse was sold as seen, buyer accepted this, cant see how she could win in court?
Because once one case like this went to court (where the seller lost) a precedent was set.
What happened to Buyer Beware ? Horse was sold as seen, buyer accepted this, cant see how she could win in court?
I think you have been more than fair ,
I doubt that the threat would be carried out.
I agree with this. We bought my first pony back a year after it went because someone threatened this. I don't think they meant it with hindsight.
I think sending someone down for a unbiased, professional opinion would be useful - to assess the "danger" of the horse, then to assess the condition of the horse. I very much doubt the horse is suffering due to all this - by the sounds of it she is out in the field living the life..
Definately get some legal advice, and be careful what you say. I would think buying it back for meat money just makes you look as though you were making money on it. Perhaps say that you will give her meat money +£200 if she decides to go down that route, but state that you don't believe the horse is dangerous or only worth meat money?
Personally, I would buy the poor mare back and get her out of there quick. Sounds like she is very unhappy. I could never leave a horse with someone who would send it for meat. Cut your losses and get the mare back. Legally, of course, she has no leg to stand on, but for the mare's sake, she needs rescuing.
Sorry you must have missed that initial post. Don't have the funds and I feel the lady is exaggerating as the mare has always been absolutely fine. Hence sending down the 3rd party to assess.
Sorry you must have missed that initial post. Don't have the funds and I feel the lady is exaggerating as the mare has always been absolutely fine. Hence sending down the 3rd party to assess.